/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */ /* Compiler settings for sqlncli.idl: Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555 protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ /* @@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) */ #pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */ /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 475 #endif /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ 100 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #ifndef COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #include "windows.h" #include "ole2.h" #endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/ #ifndef __sqlncli_h__ #define __sqlncli_h__ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif /* Forward Declarations */ #ifndef __ICommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ICommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ICommandWithParameters ICommandWithParameters; #endif /* __ICommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IUMSInitialize_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IUMSInitialize_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IUMSInitialize IUMSInitialize; #endif /* __IUMSInitialize_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISQLServerErrorInfo_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISQLServerErrorInfo_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISQLServerErrorInfo ISQLServerErrorInfo; #endif /* __ISQLServerErrorInfo_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IRowsetFastLoad_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IRowsetFastLoad_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IRowsetFastLoad IRowsetFastLoad; #endif /* __IRowsetFastLoad_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISchemaLock_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISchemaLock_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISchemaLock ISchemaLock; #endif /* __ISchemaLock_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IBCPSession_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IBCPSession_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IBCPSession IBCPSession; #endif /* __IBCPSession_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IBCPSession2_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IBCPSession2_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IBCPSession2 IBCPSession2; #endif /* __IBCPSession2_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISSAbort_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISSAbort_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISSAbort ISSAbort; #endif /* __ISSAbort_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISSCommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISSCommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISSCommandWithParameters ISSCommandWithParameters; #endif /* __ISSCommandWithParameters_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDBAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IDBAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IDBAsynchStatus IDBAsynchStatus; #endif /* __IDBAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISSAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISSAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISSAsynchStatus ISSAsynchStatus; #endif /* __ISSAsynchStatus_FWD_DEFINED__ */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "unknwn.h" #include "oaidl.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0000 */ /* [local] */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: sqlncli.h // // Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // // Contents: SQL Server Native Client OLEDB provider and ODBC driver specific // definitions. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined(SQLNCLI_VER) #define SQLNCLI_VER 1100 #endif #if SQLNCLI_VER >= 1100 #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_ANSI "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_ANSI "SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_ANSI "sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_ANSI "sqlncli11" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_ANSI "sqlncli11.dll" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_UNICODE L"SQL Server Native Client 11.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_UNICODE L"SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_UNICODE L"sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_UNICODE L"sqlncli11" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"sqlncli11.dll" #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11.ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11.Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11.ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI11.Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11.ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11.Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11.ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI11.Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI11 #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI11_ERROR #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI11_ENUMERATOR #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #elif SQLNCLI_VER >= 1000 #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_ANSI "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_ANSI "SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_ANSI "sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_ANSI "sqlncli10" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_ANSI "sqlncli10.dll" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_UNICODE L"SQL Server Native Client 10.0" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_UNICODE L"SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_UNICODE L"sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_UNICODE L"sqlncli10" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"sqlncli10.dll" #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10 ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10 Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10 ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI10 Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10 ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10 Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10 ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI10 Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI10 #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI10_ERROR #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI10_ENUMERATOR #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #else #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_ANSI "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_ANSI "SQL Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_ANSI "SQL Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_ANSI "sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_ANSI "sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_ANSI "sqlncli.dll" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_UNICODE L"SQL Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_UNICODE L"SQL Native Client" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_UNICODE L"sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_UNICODE L"sqlncli" #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_UNICODE L"sqlncli.dll" #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI "SQLNCLI Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI ErrorLookup" #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI Enumerator" #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI.1" #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI ErrorLookup.1" #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE L"SQLNCLI Enumerator.1" #define SQLNCLI_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI_ERROR #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_CLSID CLSID_SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #endif // SQLNCLI_VER >= 1100 // define the character type agnostic constants #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE) #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_UNICODE #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_UNICODE #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #else // _UNICODE || UNICODE #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_VER_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_VER_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL SQLNCLI_FILE_NAME_FULL_ANSI #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #define SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_PROG_ID_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_VI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_PROG_ID_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_ERROR_LOOKUP_PROG_ID_ANSI #define SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR_PROG_ID_ANSI #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #endif // _UNICODE || UNICODE #if defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) #define SQLNCLI_DRIVER_NAME SQLNCLI_PRODUCT_NAME_SHORT_VER #endif // OLEDB part of SQL Server Native Client header - begin here #if defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) #ifndef __oledb_h__ #include #endif /*__oledb_h__*/ #if 0 // This is already defined in oledb.h #ifdef _WIN64 // Length of a non-character object, size typedef ULONGLONG DBLENGTH; // Offset within a rowset typedef LONGLONG DBROWOFFSET; // Number of rows typedef LONGLONG DBROWCOUNT; typedef ULONGLONG DBCOUNTITEM; // Ordinal (column number, etc.) typedef ULONGLONG DBORDINAL; typedef LONGLONG DB_LORDINAL; // Bookmarks typedef ULONGLONG DBBKMARK; // Offset in the buffer typedef ULONGLONG DBBYTEOFFSET; // Reference count of each row/accessor handle typedef ULONG DBREFCOUNT; // Parameters typedef ULONGLONG DB_UPARAMS; typedef LONGLONG DB_LPARAMS; // hash values corresponding to the elements (bookmarks) typedef DWORDLONG DBHASHVALUE; // For reserve typedef DWORDLONG DB_DWRESERVE; typedef LONGLONG DB_LRESERVE; typedef ULONGLONG DB_URESERVE; #else //_WIN64 // Length of a non-character object, size typedef ULONG DBLENGTH; // Offset within a rowset typedef LONG DBROWOFFSET; // Number of rows typedef LONG DBROWCOUNT; typedef ULONG DBCOUNTITEM; // Ordinal (column number, etc.) typedef ULONG DBORDINAL; typedef LONG DB_LORDINAL; // Bookmarks typedef ULONG DBBKMARK; // Offset in the buffer typedef ULONG DBBYTEOFFSET; // Reference count of each row handle typedef ULONG DBREFCOUNT; // Parameters typedef ULONG DB_UPARAMS; typedef LONG DB_LPARAMS; // hash values corresponding to the elements (bookmarks) typedef DWORD DBHASHVALUE; // For reserve typedef DWORD DB_DWRESERVE; typedef LONG DB_LRESERVE; typedef ULONG DB_URESERVE; #endif // _WIN64 typedef DWORD DBKIND; enum DBKINDENUM { DBKIND_GUID_NAME = 0, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID = ( DBKIND_GUID_NAME + 1 ) , DBKIND_NAME = ( DBKIND_GUID_PROPID + 1 ) , DBKIND_PGUID_NAME = ( DBKIND_NAME + 1 ) , DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID = ( DBKIND_PGUID_NAME + 1 ) , DBKIND_PROPID = ( DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID + 1 ) , DBKIND_GUID = ( DBKIND_PROPID + 1 ) } ; typedef struct tagDBID { union { GUID guid; GUID *pguid; /* Empty union arm */ } uGuid; DBKIND eKind; union { LPOLESTR pwszName; ULONG ulPropid; /* Empty union arm */ } uName; } DBID; typedef struct tagDB_NUMERIC { BYTE precision; BYTE scale; BYTE sign; BYTE val[ 16 ]; } DB_NUMERIC; typedef struct tagDBDATE { SHORT year; USHORT month; USHORT day; } DBDATE; typedef struct tagDBTIME { USHORT hour; USHORT minute; USHORT second; } DBTIME; typedef struct tagDBTIMESTAMP { SHORT year; USHORT month; USHORT day; USHORT hour; USHORT minute; USHORT second; ULONG fraction; } DBTIMESTAMP; typedef struct tagDBOBJECT { DWORD dwFlags; IID iid; } DBOBJECT; typedef WORD DBTYPE; typedef ULONG_PTR HACCESSOR; typedef ULONG_PTR HCHAPTER; typedef DWORD DBPARAMFLAGS; typedef struct tagDBPARAMINFO { DBPARAMFLAGS dwFlags; DBORDINAL iOrdinal; LPOLESTR pwszName; ITypeInfo *pTypeInfo; DBLENGTH ulParamSize; DBTYPE wType; BYTE bPrecision; BYTE bScale; } DBPARAMINFO; typedef DWORD DBPROPID; typedef struct tagDBPROPIDSET { DBPROPID *rgPropertyIDs; ULONG cPropertyIDs; GUID guidPropertySet; } DBPROPIDSET; typedef DWORD DBPROPFLAGS; typedef DWORD DBPROPOPTIONS; typedef DWORD DBPROPSTATUS; typedef struct tagDBPROP { DBPROPID dwPropertyID; DBPROPOPTIONS dwOptions; DBPROPSTATUS dwStatus; DBID colid; VARIANT vValue; } DBPROP; typedef struct tagDBPROPSET { DBPROP *rgProperties; ULONG cProperties; GUID guidPropertySet; } DBPROPSET; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ICommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ICommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ICommandWithParameters */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ typedef struct tagDBPARAMBINDINFO { LPOLESTR pwszDataSourceType; LPOLESTR pwszName; DBLENGTH ulParamSize; DBPARAMFLAGS dwFlags; BYTE bPrecision; BYTE bScale; } DBPARAMBINDINFO; EXTERN_C const IID IID_ICommandWithParameters; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("0c733a64-2a1c-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d") ICommandWithParameters : public IUnknown { public: virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetParameterInfo( /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ DBPARAMINFO **prgParamInfo, /* [out] */ OLECHAR **ppNamesBuffer) = 0; virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MapParameterNames( /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParamNames, /* [size_is][in] */ const OLECHAR *rgParamNames[ ], /* [size_is][out] */ DB_LPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ]) = 0; virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetParameterInfo( /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DB_UPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ], /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[ ]) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ICommandWithParametersVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ICommandWithParameters * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ICommandWithParameters * This); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetParameterInfo )( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ DBPARAMINFO **prgParamInfo, /* [out] */ OLECHAR **ppNamesBuffer); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *MapParameterNames )( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParamNames, /* [size_is][in] */ const OLECHAR *rgParamNames[ ], /* [size_is][out] */ DB_LPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ]); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetParameterInfo )( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DB_UPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ], /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[ ]); END_INTERFACE } ICommandWithParametersVtbl; interface ICommandWithParameters { CONST_VTBL struct ICommandWithParametersVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ICommandWithParameters_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ICommandWithParameters_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ICommandWithParameters_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ICommandWithParameters_GetParameterInfo(This,pcParams,prgParamInfo,ppNamesBuffer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetParameterInfo(This,pcParams,prgParamInfo,ppNamesBuffer) ) #define ICommandWithParameters_MapParameterNames(This,cParamNames,rgParamNames,rgParamOrdinals) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> MapParameterNames(This,cParamNames,rgParamNames,rgParamOrdinals) ) #define ICommandWithParameters_SetParameterInfo(This,cParams,rgParamOrdinals,rgParamBindInfo) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetParameterInfo(This,cParams,rgParamOrdinals,rgParamBindInfo) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ /* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICommandWithParameters_RemoteGetParameterInfo_Proxy( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ DBPARAMINFO **prgParamInfo, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ DBBYTEOFFSET **prgNameOffsets, /* [out][in] */ DBLENGTH *pcbNamesBuffer, /* [size_is][size_is][unique][out][in] */ OLECHAR **ppNamesBuffer, /* [out] */ IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem); void __RPC_STUB ICommandWithParameters_RemoteGetParameterInfo_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase); /* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICommandWithParameters_RemoteMapParameterNames_Proxy( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParamNames, /* [size_is][in] */ LPCOLESTR *rgParamNames, /* [size_is][out] */ DB_LPARAMS *rgParamOrdinals, /* [out] */ IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem); void __RPC_STUB ICommandWithParameters_RemoteMapParameterNames_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase); /* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ICommandWithParameters_RemoteSetParameterInfo_Proxy( ICommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DB_UPARAMS *rgParamOrdinals, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DBPARAMBINDINFO *rgParamBindInfo, /* [out] */ IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem); void __RPC_STUB ICommandWithParameters_RemoteSetParameterInfo_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase); #endif /* __ICommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0001 */ /* [local] */ typedef DWORD DBASYNCHOP; typedef DWORD DBASYNCHPHASE; #endif // This is already defined in oledb.h #ifndef _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNING_ #define _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING __declspec(deprecated("The SQL Server Native Client OLEDB provider is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of SQL Server Native Client. To disable this warning, define the following symbol in your application: _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNING_")) #else #define _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variant Access macros, similar to ole automation. //------------------------------------------------------------------- #define V_SS_VT(X) ((X)->vt) #define V_SS_UNION(X, Y) ((X)->Y) #define V_SS_UI1(X) V_SS_UNION(X, bTinyIntVal) #define V_SS_I2(X) V_SS_UNION(X, sShortIntVal) #define V_SS_I4(X) V_SS_UNION(X, lIntVal) #define V_SS_I8(X) V_SS_UNION(X, llBigIntVal) #define V_SS_R4(X) V_SS_UNION(X, fltRealVal) #define V_SS_R8(X) V_SS_UNION(X, dblFloatVal) #define V_SS_UI4(X) V_SS_UNION(X, ulVal) #define V_SS_MONEY(X) V_SS_UNION(X, cyMoneyVal) #define V_SS_SMALLMONEY(X) V_SS_UNION(X, cyMoneyVal) #define V_SS_WSTRING(X) V_SS_UNION(X, NCharVal) #define V_SS_WVARSTRING(X) V_SS_UNION(X, NCharVal) #define V_SS_STRING(X) V_SS_UNION(X, CharVal) #define V_SS_VARSTRING(X) V_SS_UNION(X, CharVal) #define V_SS_BIT(X) V_SS_UNION(X, fBitVal) #define V_SS_GUID(X) V_SS_UNION(X, rgbGuidVal) #define V_SS_NUMERIC(X) V_SS_UNION(X, numNumericVal) #define V_SS_DECIMAL(X) V_SS_UNION(X, numNumericVal) #define V_SS_BINARY(X) V_SS_UNION(X, BinaryVal) #define V_SS_VARBINARY(X) V_SS_UNION(X, BinaryVal) #define V_SS_DATETIME(X) V_SS_UNION(X, tsDateTimeVal) #define V_SS_SMALLDATETIME(X) V_SS_UNION(X, tsDateTimeVal) #define V_SS_UNKNOWN(X) V_SS_UNION(X, UnknownType) //Text and image types. #define V_SS_IMAGE(X) V_SS_UNION(X, ImageVal) #define V_SS_TEXT(X) V_SS_UNION(X, TextVal) #define V_SS_NTEXT(X) V_SS_UNION(X, NTextVal) //Microsoft SQL Server 2008 datetime. #define V_SS_DATE(X) V_SS_UNION(X, dDateVal) #define V_SS_TIME2(X) V_SS_UNION(X, Time2Val) #define V_SS_DATETIME2(X) V_SS_UNION(X, DateTimeVal) #define V_SS_DATETIMEOFFSET(X) V_SS_UNION(X, DateTimeOffsetVal) //------------------------------------------------------------------- // define SQL Server specific types. //------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum DBTYPEENUM EOledbTypes; #define DBTYPE_XML ((EOledbTypes) 141) // introduced in SQL 2005 #define DBTYPE_TABLE ((EOledbTypes) 143) // introduced in SQL 2008 #define DBTYPE_DBTIME2 ((EOledbTypes) 145) // introduced in SQL 2008 #define DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET ((EOledbTypes) 146) // introduced in SQL 2008 #ifdef _SQLOLEDB_H_ #undef DBTYPE_SQLVARIANT #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ #define DBTYPE_SQLVARIANT ((EOledbTypes) 144) // introduced in MDAC 2.5 #ifndef _SQLOLEDB_H_ enum SQLVARENUM { VT_SS_EMPTY = DBTYPE_EMPTY, VT_SS_NULL = DBTYPE_NULL, VT_SS_UI1 = DBTYPE_UI1, VT_SS_I2 = DBTYPE_I2, VT_SS_I4 = DBTYPE_I4, VT_SS_I8 = DBTYPE_I8, //Floats VT_SS_R4 = DBTYPE_R4, VT_SS_R8 = DBTYPE_R8, //Money VT_SS_MONEY = DBTYPE_CY, VT_SS_SMALLMONEY = 200, //Strings VT_SS_WSTRING = 201, VT_SS_WVARSTRING = 202, VT_SS_STRING = 203, VT_SS_VARSTRING = 204, //Bit VT_SS_BIT = DBTYPE_BOOL, //Guid VT_SS_GUID = DBTYPE_GUID, //Exact precision VT_SS_NUMERIC = DBTYPE_NUMERIC, VT_SS_DECIMAL = 205, //Datetime VT_SS_DATETIME = DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP, VT_SS_SMALLDATETIME =206, //Binary VT_SS_BINARY =207, VT_SS_VARBINARY = 208, //Future VT_SS_UNKNOWN = 209, //Additional datetime VT_SS_DATE = DBTYPE_DBDATE, VT_SS_TIME2 = DBTYPE_DBTIME2, VT_SS_DATETIME2 = 212, VT_SS_DATETIMEOFFSET = DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET, }; typedef unsigned short SSVARTYPE; enum DBPARAMFLAGSENUM_SS_100 { DBPARAMFLAGS_SS_ISVARIABLESCALE = 0x40000000 } ; enum DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM_SS_100 { DBCOLUMNFLAGS_SS_ISVARIABLESCALE = 0x40000000, DBCOLUMNFLAGS_SS_ISCOLUMNSET = 0x80000000 } ; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Factory Interface used to initialize pointer to UMS. //------------------------------------------------------------------- extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0001_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0001_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __IUMSInitialize_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IUMSInitialize_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IUMSInitialize */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IUMSInitialize; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("5cf4ca14-ef21-11d0-97e7-00c04fc2ad98") IUMSInitialize : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize( /* [in] */ void *pUMS) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IUMSInitializeVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IUMSInitialize * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IUMSInitialize * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IUMSInitialize * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Initialize )( IUMSInitialize * This, /* [in] */ void *pUMS); END_INTERFACE } IUMSInitializeVtbl; interface IUMSInitialize { CONST_VTBL struct IUMSInitializeVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IUMSInitialize_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IUMSInitialize_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IUMSInitialize_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IUMSInitialize_Initialize(This,pUMS) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Initialize(This,pUMS) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IUMSInitialize_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0002 */ /* [local] */ // the structure returned by ISQLServerErrorInfo::GetSQLServerInfo typedef struct tagSSErrorInfo { LPOLESTR pwszMessage; LPOLESTR pwszServer; LPOLESTR pwszProcedure; LONG lNative; BYTE bState; BYTE bClass; WORD wLineNumber; } SSERRORINFO; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0002_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0002_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ISQLServerErrorInfo_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISQLServerErrorInfo_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISQLServerErrorInfo */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISQLServerErrorInfo; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("5CF4CA12-EF21-11d0-97E7-00C04FC2AD98") ISQLServerErrorInfo : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetErrorInfo( /* [out] */ SSERRORINFO **ppErrorInfo, /* [annotation][out] */ __deref_out OLECHAR **ppStringsBuffer) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISQLServerErrorInfoVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ISQLServerErrorInfo * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ISQLServerErrorInfo * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ISQLServerErrorInfo * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetErrorInfo )( ISQLServerErrorInfo * This, /* [out] */ SSERRORINFO **ppErrorInfo, /* [annotation][out] */ __deref_out OLECHAR **ppStringsBuffer); END_INTERFACE } ISQLServerErrorInfoVtbl; interface ISQLServerErrorInfo { CONST_VTBL struct ISQLServerErrorInfoVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISQLServerErrorInfo_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISQLServerErrorInfo_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISQLServerErrorInfo_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISQLServerErrorInfo_GetErrorInfo(This,ppErrorInfo,ppStringsBuffer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetErrorInfo(This,ppErrorInfo,ppStringsBuffer) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISQLServerErrorInfo_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IRowsetFastLoad_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IRowsetFastLoad_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IRowsetFastLoad */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRowsetFastLoad; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("5CF4CA13-EF21-11d0-97E7-00C04FC2AD98") IRowsetFastLoad : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InsertRow( /* [in] */ HACCESSOR hAccessor, /* [in] */ void *pData) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Commit( /* [in] */ BOOL fDone) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IRowsetFastLoadVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IRowsetFastLoad * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IRowsetFastLoad * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IRowsetFastLoad * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *InsertRow )( IRowsetFastLoad * This, /* [in] */ HACCESSOR hAccessor, /* [in] */ void *pData); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Commit )( IRowsetFastLoad * This, /* [in] */ BOOL fDone); END_INTERFACE } IRowsetFastLoadVtbl; interface IRowsetFastLoad { CONST_VTBL struct IRowsetFastLoadVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IRowsetFastLoad_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IRowsetFastLoad_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IRowsetFastLoad_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IRowsetFastLoad_InsertRow(This,hAccessor,pData) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> InsertRow(This,hAccessor,pData) ) #define IRowsetFastLoad_Commit(This,fDone) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Commit(This,fDone) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IRowsetFastLoad_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0004 */ /* [local] */ #include // 8-byte structure packing typedef struct tagDBTIME2 { USHORT hour; USHORT minute; USHORT second; ULONG fraction; } DBTIME2; typedef struct tagDBTIMESTAMPOFFSET { SHORT year; USHORT month; USHORT day; USHORT hour; USHORT minute; USHORT second; ULONG fraction; SHORT timezone_hour; SHORT timezone_minute; } DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET; #include // restore original structure packing struct SSVARIANT { SSVARTYPE vt; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; union { BYTE bTinyIntVal; SHORT sShortIntVal; LONG lIntVal; LONGLONG llBigIntVal; FLOAT fltRealVal; DOUBLE dblFloatVal; CY cyMoneyVal; VARIANT_BOOL fBitVal; BYTE rgbGuidVal[ 16 ]; DB_NUMERIC numNumericVal; DBDATE dDateVal; DBTIMESTAMP tsDateTimeVal; struct _Time2Val { DBTIME2 tTime2Val; BYTE bScale; } Time2Val; struct _DateTimeVal { DBTIMESTAMP tsDateTimeVal; BYTE bScale; } DateTimeVal; struct _DateTimeOffsetVal { DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET tsoDateTimeOffsetVal; BYTE bScale; } DateTimeOffsetVal; struct _NCharVal { SHORT sActualLength; SHORT sMaxLength; WCHAR *pwchNCharVal; BYTE rgbReserved[ 5 ]; DWORD dwReserved; WCHAR *pwchReserved; } NCharVal; struct _CharVal { SHORT sActualLength; SHORT sMaxLength; CHAR *pchCharVal; BYTE rgbReserved[ 5 ]; DWORD dwReserved; WCHAR *pwchReserved; } CharVal; struct _BinaryVal { SHORT sActualLength; SHORT sMaxLength; BYTE *prgbBinaryVal; DWORD dwReserved; } BinaryVal; struct _UnknownType { DWORD dwActualLength; BYTE rgMetadata[ 16 ]; BYTE *pUnknownData; } UnknownType; struct _BLOBType { DBOBJECT dbobj; IUnknown *pUnk; } BLOBType; } ; } ; typedef DWORD LOCKMODE; enum LOCKMODEENUM { LOCKMODE_INVALID = 0, LOCKMODE_EXCLUSIVE = ( LOCKMODE_INVALID + 1 ) , LOCKMODE_SHARED = ( LOCKMODE_EXCLUSIVE + 1 ) } ; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0004_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0004_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ISchemaLock_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISchemaLock_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISchemaLock */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISchemaLock; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("4C2389FB-2511-11d4-B258-00C04F7971CE") ISchemaLock : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSchemaLock( /* [in] */ DBID *pTableID, /* [in] */ LOCKMODE lmMode, /* [out] */ HANDLE *phLockHandle, /* [out] */ ULONGLONG *pTableVersion) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseSchemaLock( /* [in] */ HANDLE hLockHandle) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISchemaLockVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ISchemaLock * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ISchemaLock * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ISchemaLock * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetSchemaLock )( ISchemaLock * This, /* [in] */ DBID *pTableID, /* [in] */ LOCKMODE lmMode, /* [out] */ HANDLE *phLockHandle, /* [out] */ ULONGLONG *pTableVersion); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ReleaseSchemaLock )( ISchemaLock * This, /* [in] */ HANDLE hLockHandle); END_INTERFACE } ISchemaLockVtbl; interface ISchemaLock { CONST_VTBL struct ISchemaLockVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISchemaLock_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISchemaLock_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISchemaLock_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISchemaLock_GetSchemaLock(This,pTableID,lmMode,phLockHandle,pTableVersion) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetSchemaLock(This,pTableID,lmMode,phLockHandle,pTableVersion) ) #define ISchemaLock_ReleaseSchemaLock(This,hLockHandle) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ReleaseSchemaLock(This,hLockHandle) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISchemaLock_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IBCPSession_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IBCPSession_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IBCPSession */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IBCPSession; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("88352D80-42D1-42f0-A170-AB0F8B45B939") IBCPSession : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPColFmt( /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxUserDataCol, /* [in] */ int eUserDataType, /* [in] */ int cbIndicator, /* [in] */ int cbUserData, /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE *pbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ int cbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxServerCol) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPColumns( /* [in] */ DBCOUNTITEM nColumns) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPControl( /* [in] */ int eOption, /* [in] */ void *iValue) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPDone( void) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPExec( /* [out] */ DBROWCOUNT *pRowsCopied) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPInit( /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszTable, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszDataFile, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszErrorFile, /* [in] */ int eDirection) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPReadFmt( /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPWriteFmt( /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IBCPSessionVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IBCPSession * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IBCPSession * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IBCPSession * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPColFmt )( IBCPSession * This, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxUserDataCol, /* [in] */ int eUserDataType, /* [in] */ int cbIndicator, /* [in] */ int cbUserData, /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE *pbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ int cbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxServerCol); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPColumns )( IBCPSession * This, /* [in] */ DBCOUNTITEM nColumns); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPControl )( IBCPSession * This, /* [in] */ int eOption, /* [in] */ void *iValue); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPDone )( IBCPSession * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPExec )( IBCPSession * This, /* [out] */ DBROWCOUNT *pRowsCopied); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPInit )( IBCPSession * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszTable, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszDataFile, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszErrorFile, /* [in] */ int eDirection); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPReadFmt )( IBCPSession * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPWriteFmt )( IBCPSession * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile); END_INTERFACE } IBCPSessionVtbl; interface IBCPSession { CONST_VTBL struct IBCPSessionVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IBCPSession_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IBCPSession_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IBCPSession_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPColFmt(This,idxUserDataCol,eUserDataType,cbIndicator,cbUserData,pbUserDataTerm,cbUserDataTerm,idxServerCol) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPColFmt(This,idxUserDataCol,eUserDataType,cbIndicator,cbUserData,pbUserDataTerm,cbUserDataTerm,idxServerCol) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPColumns(This,nColumns) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPColumns(This,nColumns) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPControl(This,eOption,iValue) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPControl(This,eOption,iValue) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPDone(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPDone(This) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPExec(This,pRowsCopied) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPExec(This,pRowsCopied) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPInit(This,pwszTable,pwszDataFile,pwszErrorFile,eDirection) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPInit(This,pwszTable,pwszDataFile,pwszErrorFile,eDirection) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPReadFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPReadFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) ) #define IBCPSession_BCPWriteFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPWriteFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IBCPSession_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IBCPSession2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IBCPSession2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IBCPSession2 */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IBCPSession2; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("AD79D3B6-59DD-46a3-BFC6-E62A65FF3523") IBCPSession2 : public IBCPSession { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BCPSetBulkMode( /* [in] */ int property, /* [size_is][in] */ void *pField, /* [in] */ int cbField, /* [size_is][in] */ void *pRow, /* [in] */ int cbRow) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IBCPSession2Vtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IBCPSession2 * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IBCPSession2 * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPColFmt )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxUserDataCol, /* [in] */ int eUserDataType, /* [in] */ int cbIndicator, /* [in] */ int cbUserData, /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE *pbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ int cbUserDataTerm, /* [in] */ DBORDINAL idxServerCol); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPColumns )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [in] */ DBCOUNTITEM nColumns); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPControl )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [in] */ int eOption, /* [in] */ void *iValue); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPDone )( IBCPSession2 * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPExec )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [out] */ DBROWCOUNT *pRowsCopied); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPInit )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszTable, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszDataFile, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszErrorFile, /* [in] */ int eDirection); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPReadFmt )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPWriteFmt )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [string][in] */ const wchar_t *pwszFormatFile); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *BCPSetBulkMode )( IBCPSession2 * This, /* [in] */ int property, /* [size_is][in] */ void *pField, /* [in] */ int cbField, /* [size_is][in] */ void *pRow, /* [in] */ int cbRow); END_INTERFACE } IBCPSession2Vtbl; interface IBCPSession2 { CONST_VTBL struct IBCPSession2Vtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IBCPSession2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IBCPSession2_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IBCPSession2_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPColFmt(This,idxUserDataCol,eUserDataType,cbIndicator,cbUserData,pbUserDataTerm,cbUserDataTerm,idxServerCol) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPColFmt(This,idxUserDataCol,eUserDataType,cbIndicator,cbUserData,pbUserDataTerm,cbUserDataTerm,idxServerCol) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPColumns(This,nColumns) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPColumns(This,nColumns) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPControl(This,eOption,iValue) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPControl(This,eOption,iValue) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPDone(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPDone(This) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPExec(This,pRowsCopied) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPExec(This,pRowsCopied) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPInit(This,pwszTable,pwszDataFile,pwszErrorFile,eDirection) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPInit(This,pwszTable,pwszDataFile,pwszErrorFile,eDirection) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPReadFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPReadFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPWriteFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPWriteFmt(This,pwszFormatFile) ) #define IBCPSession2_BCPSetBulkMode(This,property,pField,cbField,pRow,cbRow) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> BCPSetBulkMode(This,property,pField,cbField,pRow,cbRow) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IBCPSession2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0007 */ /* [local] */ #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ #define ISOLATIONLEVEL_SNAPSHOT ((ISOLATIONLEVEL)(0x01000000)) // Changes made in other transactions can not be seen. #define DBPROPVAL_TI_SNAPSHOT 0x01000000L extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0007_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0007_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ISSAbort_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISSAbort_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISSAbort */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISSAbort; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("5CF4CA15-EF21-11d0-97E7-00C04FC2AD98") ISSAbort : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Abort( void) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISSAbortVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ISSAbort * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ISSAbort * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ISSAbort * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Abort )( ISSAbort * This); END_INTERFACE } ISSAbortVtbl; interface ISSAbort { CONST_VTBL struct ISSAbortVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISSAbort_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISSAbort_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISSAbort_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISSAbort_Abort(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Abort(This) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISSAbort_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0008 */ /* [local] */ enum DBBINDFLAGENUM90 { DBBINDFLAG_OBJECT = 0x2 } ; enum SSACCESSORFLAGS { SSACCESSOR_ROWDATA = 0x100 } ; enum DBPROPFLAGSENUM90 { DBPROPFLAGS_PARAMETER = 0x10000 } ; typedef struct tagSSPARAMPROPS { DBORDINAL iOrdinal; ULONG cPropertySets; DBPROPSET *rgPropertySets; } SSPARAMPROPS; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0008_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0008_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ISSCommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISSCommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISSCommandWithParameters */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISSCommandWithParameters; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("eec30162-6087-467c-b995-7c523ce96561") ISSCommandWithParameters : public ICommandWithParameters { public: virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetParameterProperties( /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ SSPARAMPROPS **prgParamProperties) = 0; virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetParameterProperties( /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ SSPARAMPROPS rgParamProperties[ ]) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISSCommandWithParametersVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetParameterInfo )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ DBPARAMINFO **prgParamInfo, /* [out] */ OLECHAR **ppNamesBuffer); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *MapParameterNames )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParamNames, /* [size_is][in] */ const OLECHAR *rgParamNames[ ], /* [size_is][out] */ DB_LPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ]); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetParameterInfo )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DB_UPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[ ], /* [size_is][unique][in] */ const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[ ]); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetParameterProperties )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [out][in] */ DB_UPARAMS *pcParams, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ SSPARAMPROPS **prgParamProperties); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetParameterProperties )( ISSCommandWithParameters * This, /* [in] */ DB_UPARAMS cParams, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ SSPARAMPROPS rgParamProperties[ ]); END_INTERFACE } ISSCommandWithParametersVtbl; interface ISSCommandWithParameters { CONST_VTBL struct ISSCommandWithParametersVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISSCommandWithParameters_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_GetParameterInfo(This,pcParams,prgParamInfo,ppNamesBuffer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetParameterInfo(This,pcParams,prgParamInfo,ppNamesBuffer) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_MapParameterNames(This,cParamNames,rgParamNames,rgParamOrdinals) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> MapParameterNames(This,cParamNames,rgParamNames,rgParamOrdinals) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_SetParameterInfo(This,cParams,rgParamOrdinals,rgParamBindInfo) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetParameterInfo(This,cParams,rgParamOrdinals,rgParamBindInfo) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_GetParameterProperties(This,pcParams,prgParamProperties) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetParameterProperties(This,pcParams,prgParamProperties) ) #define ISSCommandWithParameters_SetParameterProperties(This,cParams,rgParamProperties) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetParameterProperties(This,cParams,rgParamProperties) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISSCommandWithParameters_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDBAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IDBAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IDBAsynchStatus */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IDBAsynchStatus; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("0c733a95-2a1c-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d") IDBAsynchStatus : public IUnknown { public: virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Abort( /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation) = 0; virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStatus( /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgress, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgressMax, /* [out] */ DBASYNCHPHASE *peAsynchPhase, /* [out] */ LPOLESTR *ppwszStatusText) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IDBAsynchStatusVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IDBAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IDBAsynchStatus * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IDBAsynchStatus * This); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Abort )( IDBAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetStatus )( IDBAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgress, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgressMax, /* [out] */ DBASYNCHPHASE *peAsynchPhase, /* [out] */ LPOLESTR *ppwszStatusText); END_INTERFACE } IDBAsynchStatusVtbl; interface IDBAsynchStatus { CONST_VTBL struct IDBAsynchStatusVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IDBAsynchStatus_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IDBAsynchStatus_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IDBAsynchStatus_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IDBAsynchStatus_Abort(This,hChapter,eOperation) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Abort(This,hChapter,eOperation) ) #define IDBAsynchStatus_GetStatus(This,hChapter,eOperation,pulProgress,pulProgressMax,peAsynchPhase,ppwszStatusText) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetStatus(This,hChapter,eOperation,pulProgress,pulProgressMax,peAsynchPhase,ppwszStatusText) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ /* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IDBAsynchStatus_RemoteAbort_Proxy( IDBAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation, /* [out] */ IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem); void __RPC_STUB IDBAsynchStatus_RemoteAbort_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase); /* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IDBAsynchStatus_RemoteGetStatus_Proxy( IDBAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation, /* [unique][out][in] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgress, /* [unique][out][in] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgressMax, /* [unique][out][in] */ DBASYNCHPHASE *peAsynchPhase, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPOLESTR *ppwszStatusText, /* [out] */ IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem); void __RPC_STUB IDBAsynchStatus_RemoteGetStatus_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase); #endif /* __IDBAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISSAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISSAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISSAsynchStatus */ /* [unique][uuid][object][local] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISSAsynchStatus; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("1FF1F743-8BB0-4c00-ACC4-C10E43B08FC1") ISSAsynchStatus : public IDBAsynchStatus { public: virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WaitForAsynchCompletion( /* [in] */ DWORD dwMillisecTimeOut) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISSAsynchStatusVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( ISSAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( ISSAsynchStatus * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( ISSAsynchStatus * This); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Abort )( ISSAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetStatus )( ISSAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ HCHAPTER hChapter, /* [in] */ DBASYNCHOP eOperation, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgress, /* [out] */ DBCOUNTITEM *pulProgressMax, /* [out] */ DBASYNCHPHASE *peAsynchPhase, /* [out] */ LPOLESTR *ppwszStatusText); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *WaitForAsynchCompletion )( ISSAsynchStatus * This, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMillisecTimeOut); END_INTERFACE } ISSAsynchStatusVtbl; interface ISSAsynchStatus { CONST_VTBL struct ISSAsynchStatusVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISSAsynchStatus_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISSAsynchStatus_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISSAsynchStatus_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISSAsynchStatus_Abort(This,hChapter,eOperation) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Abort(This,hChapter,eOperation) ) #define ISSAsynchStatus_GetStatus(This,hChapter,eOperation,pulProgress,pulProgressMax,peAsynchPhase,ppwszStatusText) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetStatus(This,hChapter,eOperation,pulProgress,pulProgressMax,peAsynchPhase,ppwszStatusText) ) #define ISSAsynchStatus_WaitForAsynchCompletion(This,dwMillisecTimeOut) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> WaitForAsynchCompletion(This,dwMillisecTimeOut) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISSAsynchStatus_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0011 */ /* [local] */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Values for STATUS bitmask for DBSCHEMA_TABLES & DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO #define TABLE_HAS_UPDATE_INSTEAD_OF_TRIGGER 0x00000001 //table has IOT defined #define TABLE_HAS_DELETE_INSTEAD_OF_TRIGGER 0x00000002 //table has IOT defined #define TABLE_HAS_INSERT_INSTEAD_OF_TRIGGER 0x00000004 //table has IOT defined #define TABLE_HAS_AFTER_UPDATE_TRIGGER 0x00000008 //table has update trigger #define TABLE_HAS_AFTER_DELETE_TRIGGER 0x00000010 //table has delete trigger #define TABLE_HAS_AFTER_INSERT_TRIGGER 0x00000020 //table has insert trigger #define TABLE_HAS_CASCADE_UPDATE 0x00000040 //table has cascade update #define TABLE_HAS_CASCADE_DELETE 0x00000080 //table has cascade delete //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROP_INIT_GENERALTIMEOUT #if (OLEDBVER >= 0x0210) #define DBPROP_INIT_GENERALTIMEOUT 0x11cL #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCE #define SSPROP_ENABLEFASTLOAD 2 #define SSPROP_ENABLEBULKCOPY 3 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCEINFO #define SSPROP_UNICODELCID 2 #define SSPROP_UNICODECOMPARISONSTYLE 3 #define SSPROP_COLUMNLEVELCOLLATION 4 #define SSPROP_CHARACTERSET 5 #define SSPROP_SORTORDER 6 #define SSPROP_CURRENTCOLLATION 7 #define SSPROP_INTEGRATEDAUTHENTICATIONMETHOD 8 #define SSPROP_MUTUALLYAUTHENTICATED 9 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDBINIT #define SSPROP_INIT_CURRENTLANGUAGE 4 #define SSPROP_INIT_NETWORKADDRESS 5 #define SSPROP_INIT_NETWORKLIBRARY 6 #define SSPROP_INIT_USEPROCFORPREP 7 #define SSPROP_INIT_AUTOTRANSLATE 8 #define SSPROP_INIT_PACKETSIZE 9 #define SSPROP_INIT_APPNAME 10 #define SSPROP_INIT_WSID 11 #define SSPROP_INIT_FILENAME 12 #define SSPROP_INIT_ENCRYPT 13 #define SSPROP_AUTH_REPL_SERVER_NAME 14 #define SSPROP_INIT_TAGCOLUMNCOLLATION 15 #define SSPROP_INIT_MARSCONNECTION 16 #define SSPROP_INIT_FAILOVERPARTNER 18 #define SSPROP_AUTH_OLD_PASSWORD 19 #define SSPROP_INIT_DATATYPECOMPATIBILITY 20 #define SSPROP_INIT_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE 21 #define SSPROP_INIT_SERVERSPN 22 #define SSPROP_INIT_FAILOVERPARTNERSPN 23 #define SSPROP_INIT_APPLICATIONINTENT 24 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Values for SSPROP_INIT_USEPROCFORPREP #define SSPROPVAL_USEPROCFORPREP_OFF 0 #define SSPROPVAL_USEPROCFORPREP_ON 1 #define SSPROPVAL_USEPROCFORPREP_ON_DROP 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Values for SSPROP_INIT_DATATYPECOMPATIBILITY #define SSPROPVAL_DATATYPECOMPATIBILITY_SQL2000 80 #define SSPROPVAL_DATATYPECOMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT 0 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERSESSION #define SSPROP_QUOTEDCATALOGNAMES 2 #define SSPROP_ALLOWNATIVEVARIANT 3 #define SSPROP_SQLXMLXPROGID 4 #define SSPROP_ASYNCH_BULKCOPY 5 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERROWSET #define SSPROP_MAXBLOBLENGTH 8 #define SSPROP_FASTLOADOPTIONS 9 #define SSPROP_FASTLOADKEEPNULLS 10 #define SSPROP_FASTLOADKEEPIDENTITY 11 #define SSPROP_CURSORAUTOFETCH 12 #define SSPROP_DEFERPREPARE 13 #define SSPROP_IRowsetFastLoad 14 #define SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT 17 #define SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT 18 #define SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS 19 #define SSPROP_NOCOUNT_STATUS 20 #define SSPROP_COMPUTE_ID 21 #define SSPROP_COLUMN_ID 22 #define SSPROP_COMPUTE_BYLIST 23 #define SSPROP_ISSAsynchStatus 24 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Values for SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT #define SSPROPVAL_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT 432000 /* in sec */ #define SSPROPVAL_MAX_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT 0x7FFFFFFF /* in sec */ #define MAX_NOTIFICATION_LEN 2000 /* NVARCHAR [2000] for both ID & DELIVERY_QUEUE */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERCOLUMN #define SSPROP_COL_COLLATIONNAME 14 #define SSPROP_COL_UDT_CATALOGNAME 31 #define SSPROP_COL_UDT_SCHEMANAME 32 #define SSPROP_COL_UDT_NAME 33 #define SSPROP_COL_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_CATALOGNAME 34 #define SSPROP_COL_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_SCHEMANAME 35 #define SSPROP_COL_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTIONNAME 36 #define SSPROP_COL_COMPUTED 37 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERSTREAM #define SSPROP_STREAM_XMLROOT 19 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERPARAMETER #define SSPROP_PARAM_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_CATALOGNAME 24 #define SSPROP_PARAM_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_SCHEMANAME 25 #define SSPROP_PARAM_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTIONNAME 26 #define SSPROP_PARAM_UDT_CATALOGNAME 27 #define SSPROP_PARAM_UDT_SCHEMANAME 28 #define SSPROP_PARAM_UDT_NAME 29 #define SSPROP_PARAM_TYPE_CATALOGNAME 38 #define SSPROP_PARAM_TYPE_SCHEMANAME 39 #define SSPROP_PARAM_TYPE_TYPENAME 40 #define SSPROP_PARAM_TABLE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS 41 #define SSPROP_PARAM_TABLE_COLUMN_SORT_ORDER 42 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PropIds for DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERINDEX #define SSPROP_INDEX_XML 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #define BCP_TYPE_DEFAULT 0x00 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLTEXT 0x23 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLVARBINARY 0x25 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLINTN 0x26 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLVARCHAR 0x27 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBINARY 0x2d #define BCP_TYPE_SQLIMAGE 0x22 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLCHARACTER 0x2f #define BCP_TYPE_SQLINT1 0x30 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBIT 0x32 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLINT2 0x34 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLINT4 0x38 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLMONEY 0x3c #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATETIME 0x3d #define BCP_TYPE_SQLFLT8 0x3e #define BCP_TYPE_SQLFLTN 0x6d #define BCP_TYPE_SQLMONEYN 0x6e #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATETIMN 0x6f #define BCP_TYPE_SQLFLT4 0x3b #define BCP_TYPE_SQLMONEY4 0x7a #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATETIM4 0x3a #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDECIMAL 0x6a #define BCP_TYPE_SQLNUMERIC 0x6c #define BCP_TYPE_SQLUNIQUEID 0x24 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBIGCHAR 0xaf #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBIGVARCHAR 0xa7 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBIGBINARY 0xad #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBIGVARBINARY 0xa5 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLBITN 0x68 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLNCHAR 0xef #define BCP_TYPE_SQLNVARCHAR 0xe7 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLNTEXT 0x63 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDECIMALN 0x6a #define BCP_TYPE_SQLNUMERICN 0x6c #define BCP_TYPE_SQLINT8 0x7f #define BCP_TYPE_SQLVARIANT 0x62 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLUDT 0xf0 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLXML 0xf1 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATE 0x28 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLTIME 0x29 #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATETIME2 0x2a #define BCP_TYPE_SQLDATETIMEOFFSET 0x2b #define BCP_DIRECTION_IN 1 #define BCP_DIRECTION_OUT 2 #define BCP_OPTION_MAXERRS 1 #define BCP_OPTION_FIRST 2 #define BCP_OPTION_LAST 3 #define BCP_OPTION_BATCH 4 #define BCP_OPTION_KEEPNULLS 5 #define BCP_OPTION_ABORT 6 #define BCP_OPTION_KEEPIDENTITY 8 #define BCP_OPTION_HINTSA 10 #define BCP_OPTION_HINTSW 11 #define BCP_OPTION_FILECP 12 #define BCP_OPTION_UNICODEFILE 13 #define BCP_OPTION_TEXTFILE 14 #define BCP_OPTION_FILEFMT 15 #define BCP_OPTION_FMTXML 16 #define BCP_OPTION_FIRSTEX 17 #define BCP_OPTION_LASTEX 18 #define BCP_OPTION_ROWCOUNT 19 #define BCP_OPTION_DELAYREADFMT 20 #define BCP_OUT_CHARACTER_MODE 0x01 #define BCP_OUT_WIDE_CHARACTER_MODE 0x02 #define BCP_OUT_NATIVE_TEXT_MODE 0x03 #define BCP_OUT_NATIVE_MODE 0x04 #define BCP_FILECP_ACP 0 #define BCP_FILECP_OEMCP 1 #define BCP_FILECP_RAW (-1) #ifdef UNICODE #define BCP_OPTION_HINTS BCP_OPTION_HINTSW #else #define BCP_OPTION_HINTS BCP_OPTION_HINTSA #endif #define BCP_PREFIX_DEFAULT (-10) #define BCP_LENGTH_NULL (-1) #define BCP_LENGTH_VARIABLE (-10) // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provider-specific Class Ids // #if SQLNCLI_VER >= 1100 extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI11 = {0x397C2819L,0x8272,0x4532,{0xAD,0x3A,0xFB,0x5E,0x43,0xBE,0xAA,0x39}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI11_ERROR = {0xCA99D701L,0xE6E7,0x4db4,{0xA5,0xCC,0x81,0x54,0x1C,0x75,0x18,0x8A}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI11_ENUMERATOR = {0x8F612DD2L,0x7E28,0x424f,{0xA2,0xFD,0xC2,0xEE,0xCC,0x31,0x4A,0xA2}}; #endif #if SQLNCLI_VER >= 1000 extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI10 = {0x8F4A6B68L,0x4F36,0x4e3c,{0xBE,0x81,0xBC,0x7C,0xA4,0xE9,0xC4,0x5C}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI10_ERROR = {0x53F9C3BCL,0x275F,0x4FA5,{0xB3,0xE6,0x25,0xED,0xCD,0x51,0x20,0x23}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI10_ENUMERATOR = {0x91E4F2A5L,0x1B07,0x45f6,{0x86,0xBF,0x92,0x03,0xC7,0xC7,0x2B,0xE3}}; #endif extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI = {0x85ecafccL,0xbdd9,0x4b03,{0x97,0xa8,0xfa,0x65,0xcb,0xe3,0x85,0x9b}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI_ERROR = {0xe8bc0a7aL,0xea71,0x4263,{0x8c,0xda,0x94,0xf3,0x88,0xb8,0xed,0x10}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_SQLNCLI_ENUMERATOR = {0x4898ad37L,0xfe05,0x42df,{0x92,0xf9,0xe8,0x57,0xdd,0xfe,0xe7,0x30}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC _SQLNCLI_OLEDB_DEPRECATE_WARNING CLSID_ROWSET_TVP = {0xc7ef28d5L,0x7bee,0x443f,{0x86,0xda,0xe3,0x98,0x4f,0xcd,0x4d,0xf9}}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provider-specific Interface Ids // #ifndef _SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISQLServerErrorInfo = {0x5cf4ca12,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_IRowsetFastLoad = {0x5cf4ca13,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_IUMSInitialize = {0x5cf4ca14,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISchemaLock = {0x4c2389fb,0x2511,0x11d4,{0xb2,0x58,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0x79,0x71,0xce}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISQLXMLHelper = {0xd22a7678L,0xf860,0x40cd,{0xa5,0x67,0x15,0x63,0xde,0xb4,0x6d,0x49}}; #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISSAbort = {0x5cf4ca15,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_IBCPSession = {0x88352D80,0x42D1,0x42f0,{0xA1,0x70,0xAB,0x0F,0x8B,0x45,0xB9,0x39}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_IBCPSession2 = {0xad79d3b6,0x59dd,0x46a3,{0xbf,0xc6,0xe6,0x2a,0x65,0xff,0x35,0x23}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISSCommandWithParameters = {0xeec30162,0x6087,0x467c,{0xb9,0x95,0x7c,0x52,0x3c,0xe9,0x65,0x61}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC IID_ISSAsynchStatus = {0x1FF1F743,0x8BB0, 0x4c00,{0xAC,0xC4,0xC1,0x0E,0x43,0xB0,0x8F,0xC1}}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provider-specific schema rowsets // #ifndef _SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_LINKEDSERVERS = {0x9093caf4,0x2eac,0x11d1,{0x98,0x9,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_ASSEMBLIES = {0x7c1112c8, 0xc2d3, 0x4f6e, {0x94, 0x9a, 0x98, 0x3d, 0x38, 0xa5, 0x8f, 0x46}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_ASSEMBLY_DEPENDENCIES = {0xcb0f837b, 0x974c, 0x41b8, {0x90, 0x9d, 0x64, 0x9c, 0xaf, 0x45, 0xad, 0x2f}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_USER_TYPES = {0xf1198bd8, 0xa424, 0x4ea3, {0x8d, 0x4c, 0x60, 0x7e, 0xee, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x60}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_XML_COLLECTIONS = {0x56bfad8c, 0x6e8f, 0x480d, {0x91, 0xde, 0x35, 0x16, 0xd9, 0x9a, 0x5d, 0x10}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPES = {0x4e26cde7, 0xaaa4, 0x41ed, {0x93, 0xdd, 0x37, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x40, 0x9c, 0x17}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_PRIMARY_KEYS = {0x9738faea, 0x31e8, 0x4f63, {0xae, 0xd, 0x61, 0x33, 0x16, 0x41, 0x8c, 0xdd}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMNS = {0xa663d94b, 0xddf7, 0x4a7f, {0xa5, 0x37, 0xd6, 0x1f, 0x12, 0x36, 0x5d, 0x7c}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS_EXTENDED = {0x66462f01, 0x633a, 0x44d9, {0xb0, 0xd0, 0xfe, 0x66, 0xf2, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0x24}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBSCHEMA_SPARSE_COLUMN_SET = {0x31a4837c, 0xf9ff, 0x405f, {0x89, 0x82, 0x02, 0x19, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x4a, 0x12}}; #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_LINKEDSERVERS #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_LINKEDSERVERS 1 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_ASSEMBLIES #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_ASSEMBLIES 4 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_ASSEMBLY_DEPENDENCIES #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_ASSEMBLY_DEPENDENCIES 4 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_USER_TYPES #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_USER_TYPES 3 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_XML_COLLECTIONS #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_XML_COLLECTIONS 4 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPES #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPES 3 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_PRIMARY_KEYS #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_PRIMARY_KEYS 3 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMNS #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SQL_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMNS 4 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS_EXTENDED #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS_EXTENDED 4 #endif #ifndef CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SPARSE_COLUMN_SET #define CRESTRICTIONS_DBSCHEMA_SPARSE_COLUMN_SET 4 #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provider-specific property sets // #ifndef _SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCE = {0x28efaee4,0x2d2c,0x11d1,{0x98,0x7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCEINFO= {0xdf10cb94,0x35f6,0x11d2,{0x9c,0x54,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0x79,0x71,0xd3}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDBINIT = {0x5cf4ca10,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERROWSET = {0x5cf4ca11,0xef21,0x11d0,{0x97,0xe7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERSESSION = {0x28efaee5,0x2d2c,0x11d1,{0x98,0x7,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xc2,0xad,0x98}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERCOLUMN = {0x3b63fb5e,0x3fbb,0x11d3,{0x9f,0x29,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0x8e,0xe9,0xdc}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERSTREAM = {0x9f79c073,0x8a6d,0x4bca,{0xa8,0xa8,0xc9,0xb7,0x9a,0x9b,0x96,0x2d}}; #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERPARAMETER = {0xfee09128,0xa67d,0x47ea,{0x8d,0x40,0x24,0xa1,0xd4,0x73,0x7e,0x8d}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERINDEX = {0xE428B84E,0xA6B7,0x413a,{0x94,0x65,0x56,0x23,0x2E,0x0D,0x2B,0xEB}}; extern const GUID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBPROPSET_PARAMETERALL = {0x2cd2b7d8,0xe7c2,0x4f6c,{0x9b,0x30,0x75,0xe2,0x58,0x46,0x10,0x97}}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provider-specific columns for IColumnsRowset // #define DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID {0x627bd890,0xed54,0x11d2,{0xb9,0x94,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0x8c,0xa8,0x2c}} // #ifndef _SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_COMPFLAGS = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)100}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_SORTID = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)101}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_BASETABLEINSTANCE = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)102}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_TDSCOLLATION = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)103}; #endif //_SQLOLEDB_H_ extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_BASESERVERNAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)104}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_CATALOGNAME= {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)105}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_SCHEMANAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)106}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTIONNAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)107}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_UDT_CATALOGNAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)108}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_UDT_SCHEMANAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)109}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_UDT_NAME = {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)110}; extern const DBID OLEDBDECLSPEC DBCOLUMN_SS_ASSEMBLY_TYPENAME= {DBCOLUMN_SS_X_GUID, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, (LPOLESTR)111}; // OLEDB part of SQL Server Native Client header - end here! #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) // ODBC part of SQL Server Native Client header - begin here! #if defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) #ifdef ODBCVER // max SQL Server identifier length #define SQL_MAX_SQLSERVERNAME 128 // SQLSetConnectAttr driver specific defines. // Microsoft has 1200 thru 1249 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. // Connection attributes #define SQL_COPT_SS_BASE 1200 #define SQL_COPT_SS_REMOTE_PWD (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+1) // dbrpwset SQLSetConnectOption only #define SQL_COPT_SS_USE_PROC_FOR_PREP (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+2) // Use create proc for SQLPrepare #define SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_SECURITY (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+3) // Force integrated security on login #define SQL_COPT_SS_PRESERVE_CURSORS (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+4) // Preserve server cursors after SQLTransact #define SQL_COPT_SS_USER_DATA (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+5) // dbgetuserdata/dbsetuserdata #define SQL_COPT_SS_ENLIST_IN_DTC SQL_ATTR_ENLIST_IN_DTC // Enlist in a DTC transaction #define SQL_COPT_SS_ENLIST_IN_XA SQL_ATTR_ENLIST_IN_XA // Enlist in a XA transaction #define SQL_COPT_SS_FALLBACK_CONNECT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+10) // Enables FallBack connections #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_DATA (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+11) // Used to access SQL Server ODBC driver performance data #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_DATA_LOG (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+12) // Used to set the logfile name for the Performance data #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+13) // Used to set the query logging threshold in milliseconds. #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_LOG (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+14) // Used to set the logfile name for saving queryies. #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+15) // Used to start and stop query logging. #define SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_DATA_LOG_NOW (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+16) // Used to make a statistics log entry to disk. #define SQL_COPT_SS_QUOTED_IDENT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+17) // Enable/Disable Quoted Identifiers #define SQL_COPT_SS_ANSI_NPW (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+18) // Enable/Disable ANSI NULL, Padding and Warnings #define SQL_COPT_SS_BCP (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+19) // Allow BCP usage on connection #define SQL_COPT_SS_TRANSLATE (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+20) // Perform code page translation #define SQL_COPT_SS_ATTACHDBFILENAME (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+21) // File name to be attached as a database #define SQL_COPT_SS_CONCAT_NULL (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+22) // Enable/Disable CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL #define SQL_COPT_SS_ENCRYPT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+23) // Allow strong encryption for data #define SQL_COPT_SS_MARS_ENABLED (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+24) // Multiple active result set per connection #define SQL_COPT_SS_FAILOVER_PARTNER (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+25) // Failover partner server #define SQL_COPT_SS_OLDPWD (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+26) // Old Password, used when changing password during login #define SQL_COPT_SS_TXN_ISOLATION (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+27) // Used to set/get any driver-specific or ODBC-defined TXN iso level #define SQL_COPT_SS_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+28) // Trust server certificate #define SQL_COPT_SS_SERVER_SPN (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+29) // Server SPN #define SQL_COPT_SS_FAILOVER_PARTNER_SPN (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+30) // Failover partner server SPN #define SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+31) // The integrated authentication method used for the connection #define SQL_COPT_SS_MUTUALLY_AUTHENTICATED (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+32) // Used to decide if the connection is mutually authenticated #define SQL_COPT_SS_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ID (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+33) // Post connection attribute used to get the ConnectionID #define SQL_COPT_SS_MAX_USED SQL_COPT_SS_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ID // Define old names #define SQL_REMOTE_PWD SQL_COPT_SS_REMOTE_PWD #define SQL_USE_PROCEDURE_FOR_PREPARE SQL_COPT_SS_USE_PROC_FOR_PREP #define SQL_INTEGRATED_SECURITY SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_SECURITY #define SQL_PRESERVE_CURSORS SQL_COPT_SS_PRESERVE_CURSORS // SQLSetStmtAttr SQL Server Native Client driver specific defines. // Statement attributes #define SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE 1225 #define SQL_SOPT_SS_TEXTPTR_LOGGING (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+0) // Text pointer logging #define SQL_SOPT_SS_CURRENT_COMMAND (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+1) // dbcurcmd SQLGetStmtOption only #define SQL_SOPT_SS_HIDDEN_COLUMNS (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+2) // Expose FOR BROWSE hidden columns #define SQL_SOPT_SS_NOBROWSETABLE (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+3) // Set NOBROWSETABLE option #define SQL_SOPT_SS_REGIONALIZE (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+4) // Regionalize output character conversions #define SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+5) // Server cursor options #define SQL_SOPT_SS_NOCOUNT_STATUS (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+6) // Real vs. Not Real row count indicator #define SQL_SOPT_SS_DEFER_PREPARE (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+7) // Defer prepare until necessary #define SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+8) // Notification timeout #define SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+9) // Notification message text #define SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_OPTIONS (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+10)// SQL service broker name #define SQL_SOPT_SS_PARAM_FOCUS (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+11)// Direct subsequent calls to parameter related methods to set properties on constituent columns/parameters of container types #define SQL_SOPT_SS_NAME_SCOPE (SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE+12)// Sets name scope for subsequent catalog function calls #define SQL_SOPT_SS_MAX_USED SQL_SOPT_SS_NAME_SCOPE // Define old names #define SQL_TEXTPTR_LOGGING SQL_SOPT_SS_TEXTPTR_LOGGING #define SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX 1240 #define SQL_COPT_SS_BROWSE_CONNECT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+1) // Browse connect mode of operation #define SQL_COPT_SS_BROWSE_SERVER (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+2) // Single Server browse request. #define SQL_COPT_SS_WARN_ON_CP_ERROR (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+3) // Issues warning when data from the server had a loss during code page conversion. #define SQL_COPT_SS_CONNECTION_DEAD (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+4) // dbdead SQLGetConnectOption only. It will try to ping the server. Expensive connection check #define SQL_COPT_SS_BROWSE_CACHE_DATA (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+5) // Determines if we should cache browse info. Used when returned buffer is greater then ODBC limit (32K) #define SQL_COPT_SS_RESET_CONNECTION (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+6) // When this option is set, we will perform connection reset on next packet #define SQL_COPT_SS_APPLICATION_INTENT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+7) // Application Intent #define SQL_COPT_SS_MULTISUBNET_FAILOVER (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX+8) // Multi-subnet Failover #define SQL_COPT_SS_EX_MAX_USED SQL_COPT_SS_MULTISUBNET_FAILOVER // SQLColAttributes driver specific defines. // SQLSetDescField/SQLGetDescField driver specific defines. // Microsoft has 1200 thru 1249 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. #define SQL_CA_SS_BASE 1200 #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_SSTYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+0) // dbcoltype/dbalttype #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_UTYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+1) // dbcolutype/dbaltutype #define SQL_CA_SS_NUM_ORDERS (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+2) // dbnumorders #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_ORDER (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+3) // dbordercol #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_VARYLEN (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+4) // dbvarylen #define SQL_CA_SS_NUM_COMPUTES (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+5) // dbnumcompute #define SQL_CA_SS_COMPUTE_ID (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+6) // dbnextrow status return #define SQL_CA_SS_COMPUTE_BYLIST (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+7) // dbbylist #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_ID (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+8) // dbaltcolid #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_OP (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+9) // dbaltop #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_SIZE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+10) // dbcollen #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_HIDDEN (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+11) // Column is hidden (FOR BROWSE) #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_KEY (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+12) // Column is key column (FOR BROWSE) //#define SQL_DESC_BASE_COLUMN_NAME_OLD (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+13) // This is defined at another location. #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_COLLATION (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+14) // Column collation (only for chars) #define SQL_CA_SS_VARIANT_TYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+15) #define SQL_CA_SS_VARIANT_SQL_TYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+16) #define SQL_CA_SS_VARIANT_SERVER_TYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+17) // XML, CLR UDT, and table valued parameter related metadata #define SQL_CA_SS_UDT_CATALOG_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+18) // UDT catalog name #define SQL_CA_SS_UDT_SCHEMA_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+19) // UDT schema name #define SQL_CA_SS_UDT_TYPE_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+20) // UDT type name #define SQL_CA_SS_UDT_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+21) // Qualified name of the assembly containing the UDT class #define SQL_CA_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_CATALOG_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+22) // Name of the catalog that contains XML Schema collection #define SQL_CA_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+23) // Name of the schema that contains XML Schema collection #define SQL_CA_SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+24) // Name of the XML Schema collection #define SQL_CA_SS_CATALOG_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+25) // Catalog name #define SQL_CA_SS_SCHEMA_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+26) // Schema name #define SQL_CA_SS_TYPE_NAME (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+27) // Type name // table valued parameter related metadata #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_COMPUTED (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+29) // column is computed #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_IN_UNIQUE_KEY (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+30) // column is part of a unique key #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_SORT_ORDER (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+31) // column sort order #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_SORT_ORDINAL (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+32) // column sort ordinal #define SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_HAS_DEFAULT_VALUE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+33) // column has default value for all rows of the table valued parameter // sparse column related metadata #define SQL_CA_SS_IS_COLUMN_SET (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+34) // column is a column-set column for sparse columns // Legacy datetime related metadata #define SQL_CA_SS_SERVER_TYPE (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+35) // column type to send on the wire for datetime types #define SQL_CA_SS_MAX_USED (SQL_CA_SS_BASE+36) // Defines returned by SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE/SQL_CURSOR_TYPE #define SQL_CURSOR_FAST_FORWARD_ONLY 8 // Only returned by SQLGetStmtAttr/Option // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_USE_PROC_FOR_PREP #define SQL_UP_OFF 0L // Procedures won't be used for prepare #define SQL_UP_ON 1L // Procedures will be used for prepare #define SQL_UP_ON_DROP 2L // Temp procedures will be explicitly dropped #define SQL_UP_DEFAULT SQL_UP_ON // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_SECURITY - Pre-Connect Option only #define SQL_IS_OFF 0L // Integrated security isn't used #define SQL_IS_ON 1L // Integrated security is used #define SQL_IS_DEFAULT SQL_IS_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_PRESERVE_CURSORS #define SQL_PC_OFF 0L // Cursors are closed on SQLTransact #define SQL_PC_ON 1L // Cursors remain open on SQLTransact #define SQL_PC_DEFAULT SQL_PC_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_USER_DATA #define SQL_UD_NOTSET NULL // No user data pointer set // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_TRANSLATE #define SQL_XL_OFF 0L // Code page translation is not performed #define SQL_XL_ON 1L // Code page translation is performed #define SQL_XL_DEFAULT SQL_XL_ON // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_FALLBACK_CONNECT - Pre-Connect Option only #define SQL_FB_OFF 0L // FallBack connections are disabled #define SQL_FB_ON 1L // FallBack connections are enabled #define SQL_FB_DEFAULT SQL_FB_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_BCP - Pre-Connect Option only #define SQL_BCP_OFF 0L // BCP is not allowed on connection #define SQL_BCP_ON 1L // BCP is allowed on connection #define SQL_BCP_DEFAULT SQL_BCP_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_QUOTED_IDENT #define SQL_QI_OFF 0L // Quoted identifiers are enable #define SQL_QI_ON 1L // Quoted identifiers are disabled #define SQL_QI_DEFAULT SQL_QI_ON // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_ANSI_NPW - Pre-Connect Option only #define SQL_AD_OFF 0L // ANSI NULLs, Padding and Warnings are enabled #define SQL_AD_ON 1L // ANSI NULLs, Padding and Warnings are disabled #define SQL_AD_DEFAULT SQL_AD_ON // Defines for use with SQL_COPT_SS_CONCAT_NULL - Pre-Connect Option only #define SQL_CN_OFF 0L // CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is off #define SQL_CN_ON 1L // CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is on #define SQL_CN_DEFAULT SQL_CN_ON // Defines for use with SQL_SOPT_SS_TEXTPTR_LOGGING #define SQL_TL_OFF 0L // No logging on text pointer ops #define SQL_TL_ON 1L // Logging occurs on text pointer ops #define SQL_TL_DEFAULT SQL_TL_ON // Defines for use with SQL_SOPT_SS_HIDDEN_COLUMNS #define SQL_HC_OFF 0L // FOR BROWSE columns are hidden #define SQL_HC_ON 1L // FOR BROWSE columns are exposed #define SQL_HC_DEFAULT SQL_HC_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_SOPT_SS_NOBROWSETABLE #define SQL_NB_OFF 0L // NO_BROWSETABLE is off #define SQL_NB_ON 1L // NO_BROWSETABLE is on #define SQL_NB_DEFAULT SQL_NB_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_SOPT_SS_REGIONALIZE #define SQL_RE_OFF 0L // No regionalization occurs on output character conversions #define SQL_RE_ON 1L // Regionalization occurs on output character conversions #define SQL_RE_DEFAULT SQL_RE_OFF // Defines for use with SQL_SOPT_SS_CURSOR_OPTIONS #define SQL_CO_OFF 0L // Clear all cursor options #define SQL_CO_FFO 1L // Fast-forward cursor will be used #define SQL_CO_AF 2L // Autofetch on cursor open #define SQL_CO_FFO_AF (SQL_CO_FFO|SQL_CO_AF) // Fast-forward cursor with autofetch #define SQL_CO_FIREHOSE_AF 4L // Auto fetch on fire-hose cursors #define SQL_CO_DEFAULT SQL_CO_OFF //SQL_SOPT_SS_NOCOUNT_STATUS #define SQL_NC_OFF 0L #define SQL_NC_ON 1L //SQL_SOPT_SS_DEFER_PREPARE #define SQL_DP_OFF 0L #define SQL_DP_ON 1L //SQL_SOPT_SS_NAME_SCOPE #define SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_TABLE 0L #define SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_TABLE_TYPE 1L #define SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_EXTENDED 2L #define SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_SPARSE_COLUMN_SET 3L #define SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_DEFAULT SQL_SS_NAME_SCOPE_TABLE //SQL_COPT_SS_ENCRYPT #define SQL_EN_OFF 0L #define SQL_EN_ON 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE #define SQL_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_NO 0L #define SQL_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_YES 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_BROWSE_CONNECT #define SQL_MORE_INFO_NO 0L #define SQL_MORE_INFO_YES 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_BROWSE_CACHE_DATA #define SQL_CACHE_DATA_NO 0L #define SQL_CACHE_DATA_YES 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_RESET_CONNECTION #define SQL_RESET_YES 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_WARN_ON_CP_ERROR #define SQL_WARN_NO 0L #define SQL_WARN_YES 1L //SQL_COPT_SS_MARS_ENABLED #define SQL_MARS_ENABLED_NO 0L #define SQL_MARS_ENABLED_YES 1L /* SQL_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION bitmasks */ #define SQL_TXN_SS_SNAPSHOT 0x00000020L // The following are defines for SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_SORT_ORDER #define SQL_SS_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED 0L #define SQL_SS_DESCENDING_ORDER 1L #define SQL_SS_ASCENDING_ORDER 2L #define SQL_SS_ORDER_DEFAULT SQL_SS_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED // Driver specific SQL data type defines. // Microsoft has -150 thru -199 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. #define SQL_SS_VARIANT (-150) #define SQL_SS_UDT (-151) #define SQL_SS_XML (-152) #define SQL_SS_TABLE (-153) #define SQL_SS_TIME2 (-154) #define SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET (-155) // Local types to be used with SQL_CA_SS_SERVER_TYPE #define SQL_SS_TYPE_DEFAULT 0L #define SQL_SS_TYPE_SMALLDATETIME 1L #define SQL_SS_TYPE_DATETIME 2L // Extended C Types range 4000 and above. Range of -100 thru 200 is reserved by Driver Manager. #define SQL_C_TYPES_EXTENDED 0x04000L #define SQL_C_SS_TIME2 (SQL_C_TYPES_EXTENDED+0) #define SQL_C_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET (SQL_C_TYPES_EXTENDED+1) #ifndef SQLNCLI_NO_BCP // Define the symbol SQLNCLI_NO_BCP if you are not using BCP in your application // and you want to exclude the BCP-related definitions in this header file. // SQL Server Data Type defines. // New types for SQL 6.0 and later servers #define SQLTEXT 0x23 #define SQLVARBINARY 0x25 #define SQLINTN 0x26 #define SQLVARCHAR 0x27 #define SQLBINARY 0x2d #define SQLIMAGE 0x22 #define SQLCHARACTER 0x2f #define SQLINT1 0x30 #define SQLBIT 0x32 #define SQLINT2 0x34 #define SQLINT4 0x38 #define SQLMONEY 0x3c #define SQLDATETIME 0x3d #define SQLFLT8 0x3e #define SQLFLTN 0x6d #define SQLMONEYN 0x6e #define SQLDATETIMN 0x6f #define SQLFLT4 0x3b #define SQLMONEY4 0x7a #define SQLDATETIM4 0x3a // New types for SQL 6.0 and later servers #define SQLDECIMAL 0x6a #define SQLNUMERIC 0x6c // New types for SQL 7.0 and later servers #define SQLUNIQUEID 0x24 #define SQLBIGCHAR 0xaf #define SQLBIGVARCHAR 0xa7 #define SQLBIGBINARY 0xad #define SQLBIGVARBINARY 0xa5 #define SQLBITN 0x68 #define SQLNCHAR 0xef #define SQLNVARCHAR 0xe7 #define SQLNTEXT 0x63 // New types for SQL 2000 and later servers #define SQLINT8 0x7f #define SQLVARIANT 0x62 // New types for SQL 2005 and later servers #define SQLUDT 0xf0 #define SQLXML 0xf1 // New types for SQL 2008 and later servers #define SQLTABLE 0xf3 #define SQLDATEN 0x28 #define SQLTIMEN 0x29 #define SQLDATETIME2N 0x2a #define SQLDATETIMEOFFSETN 0x2b // Define old names #define SQLDECIMALN 0x6a #define SQLNUMERICN 0x6c #endif // SQLNCLI_NO_BCP // SQL_SS_LENGTH_UNLIMITED is used to describe the max length of // VARCHAR(max), VARBINARY(max), NVARCHAR(max), and XML columns #define SQL_SS_LENGTH_UNLIMITED 0 // User Data Type definitions. // Returned by SQLColAttributes/SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_UTYPE. #define SQLudtBINARY 3 #define SQLudtBIT 16 #define SQLudtBITN 0 #define SQLudtCHAR 1 #define SQLudtDATETIM4 22 #define SQLudtDATETIME 12 #define SQLudtDATETIMN 15 #define SQLudtDECML 24 #define SQLudtDECMLN 26 #define SQLudtFLT4 23 #define SQLudtFLT8 8 #define SQLudtFLTN 14 #define SQLudtIMAGE 20 #define SQLudtINT1 5 #define SQLudtINT2 6 #define SQLudtINT4 7 #define SQLudtINTN 13 #define SQLudtMONEY 11 #define SQLudtMONEY4 21 #define SQLudtMONEYN 17 #define SQLudtNUM 10 #define SQLudtNUMN 25 #define SQLudtSYSNAME 18 #define SQLudtTEXT 19 #define SQLudtTIMESTAMP 80 #define SQLudtUNIQUEIDENTIFIER 0 #define SQLudtVARBINARY 4 #define SQLudtVARCHAR 2 #define MIN_USER_DATATYPE 256 // Aggregate operator types. // Returned by SQLColAttributes/SQL_CA_SS_COLUMN_OP. #define SQLAOPSTDEV 0x30 // Standard deviation #define SQLAOPSTDEVP 0x31 // Standard deviation population #define SQLAOPVAR 0x32 // Variance #define SQLAOPVARP 0x33 // Variance population #define SQLAOPCNT 0x4b // Count #define SQLAOPSUM 0x4d // Sum #define SQLAOPAVG 0x4f // Average #define SQLAOPMIN 0x51 // Min #define SQLAOPMAX 0x52 // Max #define SQLAOPANY 0x53 // Any #define SQLAOPNOOP 0x56 // None // SQLGetInfo driver specific defines. // Microsoft has 1151 thru 1200 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. #define SQL_INFO_SS_FIRST 1199 #define SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAMEW (SQL_INFO_SS_FIRST+0) // dbprocinfo #define SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAMEA (SQL_INFO_SS_FIRST+1) // dbprocinfo #define SQL_INFO_SS_MAX_USED SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAMEA #ifdef UNICODE #define SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAME SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAMEW #else #define SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAME SQL_INFO_SS_NETLIB_NAMEA #endif // SQLGetDiagField driver specific defines. // Microsoft has -1150 thru -1199 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. #define SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE (-1150) #define SQL_DIAG_SS_MSGSTATE (SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE) #define SQL_DIAG_SS_SEVERITY (SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE-1) #define SQL_DIAG_SS_SRVNAME (SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE-2) #define SQL_DIAG_SS_PROCNAME (SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE-3) #define SQL_DIAG_SS_LINE (SQL_DIAG_SS_BASE-4) // SQLGetDiagField/SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE driver specific defines. // Microsoft has -200 thru -299 reserved for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client driver usage. #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE (-200) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_ALTER_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-0) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CHECKPOINT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-1) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CONDITION (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-2) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CREATE_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-3) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CREATE_DEFAULT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-4) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CREATE_PROCEDURE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-5) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CREATE_RULE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-6) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CREATE_TRIGGER (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-7) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CURSOR_DECLARE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-8) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CURSOR_OPEN (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-9) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CURSOR_FETCH (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-10) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_CURSOR_CLOSE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-11) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DEALLOCATE_CURSOR (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-12) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DBCC (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-13) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DISK (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-14) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DROP_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-15) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DROP_DEFAULT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-16) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DROP_PROCEDURE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-17) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DROP_RULE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-18) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DROP_TRIGGER (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-19) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DUMP_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-20) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BACKUP_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-20) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DUMP_TABLE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-21) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DUMP_TRANSACTION (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-22) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BACKUP_TRANSACTION (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-22) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_GOTO (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-23) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_INSERT_BULK (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-24) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_KILL (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-25) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_LOAD_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-26) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RESTORE_DATABASE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-26) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_LOAD_HEADERONLY (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-27) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RESTORE_HEADERONLY (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-27) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_LOAD_TABLE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-28) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_LOAD_TRANSACTION (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-29) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RESTORE_TRANSACTION (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-29) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_PRINT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-30) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RAISERROR (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-31) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_READTEXT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-32) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RECONFIGURE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-33) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_RETURN (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-34) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SELECT_INTO (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-35) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-36) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET_IDENTITY_INSERT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-37) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET_ROW_COUNT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-38) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET_STATISTICS (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-39) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET_TEXTSIZE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-40) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SETUSER (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-41) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SHUTDOWN (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-42) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRANS_BEGIN (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-43) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRANS_COMMIT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-44) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRANS_PREPARE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-45) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRANS_ROLLBACK (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-46) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRANS_SAVE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-47) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_TRUNCATE_TABLE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-48) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_UPDATE_STATISTICS (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-49) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_UPDATETEXT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-50) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_USE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-51) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_WAITFOR (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-52) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_WRITETEXT (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-53) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_DENY (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-54) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_SET_XCTLVL (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-55) #define SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_MERGE (SQL_DIAG_DFC_SS_BASE-56) // Severity codes for SQL_DIAG_SS_SEVERITY #define EX_ANY 0 #define EX_INFO 10 #define EX_MAXISEVERITY EX_INFO #define EX_MISSING 11 #define EX_TYPE 12 #define EX_DEADLOCK 13 #define EX_PERMIT 14 #define EX_SYNTAX 15 #define EX_USER 16 #define EX_RESOURCE 17 #define EX_INTOK 18 #define MAXUSEVERITY EX_INTOK #define EX_LIMIT 19 #define EX_CMDFATAL 20 #define MINFATALERR EX_CMDFATAL #define EX_DBFATAL 21 #define EX_TABCORRUPT 22 #define EX_DBCORRUPT 23 #define EX_HARDWARE 24 #define EX_CONTROL 25 // Internal server datatypes - used when binding to SQL_C_BINARY #ifndef MAXNUMERICLEN // Resolve ODS/DBLib conflicts // DB-Library datatypes #define DBMAXCHAR (8000+1) // Max length of DBVARBINARY and DBVARCHAR, etc. +1 for zero byte #define MAXNAME (SQL_MAX_SQLSERVERNAME+1) // Max server identifier length including zero byte #ifdef UNICODE typedef wchar_t DBCHAR; #else typedef char DBCHAR; #endif typedef short SQLSMALLINT; typedef unsigned short SQLUSMALLINT; typedef unsigned char DBBINARY; typedef unsigned char DBTINYINT; typedef short DBSMALLINT; typedef unsigned short DBUSMALLINT; typedef double DBFLT8; typedef unsigned char DBBIT; typedef unsigned char DBBOOL; typedef float DBFLT4; typedef DBFLT4 DBREAL; typedef UINT DBUBOOL; typedef struct dbmoney { LONG mnyhigh; ULONG mnylow; } DBMONEY; typedef struct dbdatetime { LONG dtdays; ULONG dttime; } DBDATETIME; typedef struct dbdatetime4 { USHORT numdays; USHORT nummins; } DBDATETIM4; typedef LONG DBMONEY4; #include // 8-byte structure packing // New Date Time Structures // New Structure for TIME2 typedef struct tagSS_TIME2_STRUCT { SQLUSMALLINT hour; SQLUSMALLINT minute; SQLUSMALLINT second; SQLUINTEGER fraction; } SQL_SS_TIME2_STRUCT; // New Structure for TIMESTAMPOFFSET typedef struct tagSS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT { SQLSMALLINT year; SQLUSMALLINT month; SQLUSMALLINT day; SQLUSMALLINT hour; SQLUSMALLINT minute; SQLUSMALLINT second; SQLUINTEGER fraction; SQLSMALLINT timezone_hour; SQLSMALLINT timezone_minute; } SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT; #include // restore original structure packing // Money value *10,000 #define DBNUM_PREC_TYPE BYTE #define DBNUM_SCALE_TYPE BYTE #define DBNUM_VAL_TYPE BYTE #if (ODBCVER < 0x0300) #define MAXNUMERICLEN 16 typedef struct dbnumeric // Internal representation of NUMERIC data type { DBNUM_PREC_TYPE precision; // Precision DBNUM_SCALE_TYPE scale; // Scale BYTE sign; // Sign (1 if positive, 0 if negative) DBNUM_VAL_TYPE val[MAXNUMERICLEN];// Value } DBNUMERIC; typedef DBNUMERIC DBDECIMAL;// Internal representation of DECIMAL data type #else // Use ODBC 3.0 definitions since same as DBLib #define MAXNUMERICLEN SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN typedef SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT DBNUMERIC; typedef SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT DBDECIMAL; #endif // ODCBVER #endif // MAXNUMERICLEN #ifndef INT typedef int INT; typedef long DBINT; typedef DBINT * LPDBINT; #ifndef _LPCBYTE_DEFINED #define _LPCBYTE_DEFINED typedef BYTE const* LPCBYTE; #endif //_LPCBYTE_DEFINED #endif // INT /************************************************************************** This struct is a global used for gathering statistical data on the driver. Access to this structure is controlled via the pStatCrit; ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct sqlperf { // Application Profile Statistics DWORD TimerResolution; DWORD SQLidu; DWORD SQLiduRows; DWORD SQLSelects; DWORD SQLSelectRows; DWORD Transactions; DWORD SQLPrepares; DWORD ExecDirects; DWORD SQLExecutes; DWORD CursorOpens; DWORD CursorSize; DWORD CursorUsed; LDOUBLE PercentCursorUsed; LDOUBLE AvgFetchTime; LDOUBLE AvgCursorSize; LDOUBLE AvgCursorUsed; DWORD SQLFetchTime; DWORD SQLFetchCount; DWORD CurrentStmtCount; DWORD MaxOpenStmt; DWORD SumOpenStmt; // Connection Statistics DWORD CurrentConnectionCount; DWORD MaxConnectionsOpened; DWORD SumConnectionsOpened; DWORD SumConnectiontime; LDOUBLE AvgTimeOpened; // Network Statistics DWORD ServerRndTrips; DWORD BuffersSent; DWORD BuffersRec; DWORD BytesSent; DWORD BytesRec; // Time Statistics; DWORD msExecutionTime; DWORD msNetWorkServerTime; } SQLPERF; // The following are options for SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_DATA and SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY #define SQL_PERF_START 1 // Starts the driver sampling performance data. #define SQL_PERF_STOP 2 // Stops the counters from sampling performance data. // The following are defines for SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_DATA_LOG #define SQL_SS_DL_DEFAULT TEXT("STATS.LOG") // The following are defines for SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_LOG #define SQL_SS_QL_DEFAULT TEXT("QUERY.LOG") // The following are defines for SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL #define SQL_SS_QI_DEFAULT 30000 // 30,000 milliseconds #ifndef SQLNCLI_NO_BCP // Define the symbol SQLNCLI_NO_BCP if you are not using BCP in your application // and you want to exclude the BCP-related definitions in this header file. // ODBC BCP prototypes and defines // Return codes #define SUCCEED 1 #define FAIL 0 #define SUCCEED_ABORT 2 #define SUCCEED_ASYNC 3 // Transfer directions #define DB_IN 1 // Transfer from client to server #define DB_OUT 2 // Transfer from server to client // bcp_control option #define BCPMAXERRS 1 // Sets max errors allowed #define BCPFIRST 2 // Sets first row to be copied out #define BCPLAST 3 // Sets number of rows to be copied out #define BCPBATCH 4 // Sets input batch size #define BCPKEEPNULLS 5 // Sets to insert NULLs for empty input values #define BCPABORT 6 // Sets to have bcpexec return SUCCEED_ABORT #define BCPODBC 7 // Sets ODBC canonical character output #define BCPKEEPIDENTITY 8 // Sets IDENTITY_INSERT on #if SQLNCLI_VER < 1000 #define BCP6xFILEFMT 9 // DEPRECATED: Sets 6x file format on #endif #define BCPHINTSA 10 // Sets server BCP hints (ANSI string) #define BCPHINTSW 11 // Sets server BCP hints (UNICODE string) #define BCPFILECP 12 // Sets clients code page for the file #define BCPUNICODEFILE 13 // Sets that the file contains unicode header #define BCPTEXTFILE 14 // Sets BCP mode to expect a text file and to detect Unicode or ANSI automatically #define BCPFILEFMT 15 // Sets file format version #define BCPFMTXML 16 // Sets the format file type to xml #define BCPFIRSTEX 17 // Starting Row for BCP operation (64 bit) #define BCPLASTEX 18 // Ending Row for BCP operation (64 bit) #define BCPROWCOUNT 19 // Total Number of Rows Copied (64 bit) #define BCPDELAYREADFMT 20 // Delay reading format file unil bcp_exec // BCPFILECP values // Any valid code page that is installed on the client can be passed plus: #define BCPFILECP_ACP 0 // Data in file is in Windows code page #define BCPFILECP_OEMCP 1 // Data in file is in OEM code page (default) #define BCPFILECP_RAW (-1)// Data in file is in Server code page (no conversion) // bcp_collen definition #define SQL_VARLEN_DATA (-10) // Use default length for column // BCP column format properties #define BCP_FMT_TYPE 0x01 #define BCP_FMT_INDICATOR_LEN 0x02 #define BCP_FMT_DATA_LEN 0x03 #define BCP_FMT_TERMINATOR 0x04 #define BCP_FMT_SERVER_COL 0x05 #define BCP_FMT_COLLATION 0x06 #define BCP_FMT_COLLATION_ID 0x07 // bcp_setbulkmode properties #define BCP_OUT_CHARACTER_MODE 0x01 #define BCP_OUT_WIDE_CHARACTER_MODE 0x02 #define BCP_OUT_NATIVE_TEXT_MODE 0x03 #define BCP_OUT_NATIVE_MODE 0x04 // BCP functions DBINT SQL_API bcp_batch (HDBC); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_bind (HDBC, LPCBYTE, INT, DBINT, LPCBYTE, INT, INT, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_colfmt (HDBC, INT, BYTE, INT, DBINT, LPCBYTE, INT, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_collen (HDBC, DBINT, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_colptr (HDBC, LPCBYTE, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_columns (HDBC, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_control (HDBC, INT, void *); DBINT SQL_API bcp_done (HDBC); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_exec (HDBC, LPDBINT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_getcolfmt (HDBC, INT, INT, void *, INT, INT *); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_initA (HDBC, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_initW (HDBC, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_moretext (HDBC, DBINT, LPCBYTE); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_readfmtA (HDBC, LPCSTR); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_readfmtW (HDBC, LPCWSTR); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_sendrow (HDBC); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_setbulkmode (HDBC, INT, __in_bcount(cbField) void*, INT cbField, __in_bcount(cbRow) void *, INT cbRow); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_setcolfmt (HDBC, INT, INT, void *, INT); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_writefmtA (HDBC, LPCSTR); RETCODE SQL_API bcp_writefmtW (HDBC, LPCWSTR); CHAR* SQL_API dbprtypeA (INT); WCHAR* SQL_API dbprtypeW (INT); CHAR* SQL_API bcp_gettypenameA (INT, DBBOOL); WCHAR* SQL_API bcp_gettypenameW (INT, DBBOOL); #ifdef UNICODE #define bcp_init bcp_initW #define bcp_readfmt bcp_readfmtW #define bcp_writefmt bcp_writefmtW #define dbprtype dbprtypeW #define bcp_gettypename bcp_gettypenameW #define BCPHINTS BCPHINTSW #else #define bcp_init bcp_initA #define bcp_readfmt bcp_readfmtA #define bcp_writefmt bcp_writefmtA #define dbprtype dbprtypeA #define bcp_gettypename bcp_gettypenameA #define BCPHINTS BCPHINTSA #endif // UNICODE #endif // SQLNCLI_NO_BCP // The following options have been deprecated #define SQL_FAST_CONNECT (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+0) // Defines for use with SQL_FAST_CONNECT - only useable before connecting #define SQL_FC_OFF 0L // Fast connect is off #define SQL_FC_ON 1L // Fast connect is on #define SQL_FC_DEFAULT SQL_FC_OFF #define SQL_COPT_SS_ANSI_OEM (SQL_COPT_SS_BASE+6) #define SQL_AO_OFF 0L #define SQL_AO_ON 1L #define SQL_AO_DEFAULT SQL_AO_OFF #define SQL_CA_SS_BASE_COLUMN_NAME SQL_DESC_BASE_COLUMN_NAME #endif // ODBCVER #endif // defined(_SQLNCLI_ODBC_) || !defined(_SQLNCLI_OLEDB_) // ODBC part of SQL Server Native Client header - end here! //The following facilitates opening a handle to a SQL filestream typedef enum _SQL_FILESTREAM_DESIRED_ACCESS { SQL_FILESTREAM_READ = 0, SQL_FILESTREAM_WRITE = 1, SQL_FILESTREAM_READWRITE = 2 } SQL_FILESTREAM_DESIRED_ACCESS; #define SQL_FILESTREAM_OPEN_FLAG_ASYNC 0x00000001L #define SQL_FILESTREAM_OPEN_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING 0x00000002L #define SQL_FILESTREAM_OPEN_FLAG_NO_WRITE_THROUGH 0x00000004L #define SQL_FILESTREAM_OPEN_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN 0x00000008L #define SQL_FILESTREAM_OPEN_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS 0x00000010L HANDLE __stdcall OpenSqlFilestream ( LPCWSTR FilestreamPath, SQL_FILESTREAM_DESIRED_ACCESS DesiredAccess, ULONG OpenOptions, LPBYTE FilestreamTransactionContext, SSIZE_T FilestreamTransactionContextLength, PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize); #define FSCTL_SQL_FILESTREAM_FETCH_OLD_CONTENT CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM, 2392, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) #ifndef _SQLUSERINSTANCE_H_ #define _SQLUSERINSTANCE_H_ #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Recommended buffer size to store a LocalDB connection string #define LOCALDB_MAX_SQLCONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE 260 // type definition for LocalDBCreateInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBCreateInstance ( // I the LocalDB version (e.g. 11.0 or 11.0.1094.2) __in_z PCWSTR wszVersion, // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBCreateInstance function typedef FnLocalDBCreateInstance* PFnLocalDBCreateInstance; // type definition for LocalDBStartInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBStartInstance ( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags, // O the buffer to store the connection string to the LocalDB instance __out_ecount_z_opt(*lpcchSqlConnection) LPWSTR wszSqlConnection, // I/O on input has the size of the wszSqlConnection buffer in characters. On output, if the given buffer size is // too small, has the buffer size required, in characters, including trailing null. __inout_opt LPDWORD lpcchSqlConnection ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBStartInstance function typedef FnLocalDBStartInstance* PFnLocalDBStartInstance; // Flags for the LocalDBFormatMessage function #define LOCALDB_TRUNCATE_ERR_MESSAGE 0x0001L // type definition for LocalDBFormatMessage function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBFormatMessage( // I the LocalDB error code __in HRESULT hrLocalDB, // I Available flags: // LOCALDB_TRUNCATE_ERR_MESSAGE - if the input buffer is too short, // the error message will be truncated to fit into the buffer __in DWORD dwFlags, // I Language desired (LCID) or 0 (in which case Win32 FormatMessage order is used) __in DWORD dwLanguageId, // O the buffer to store the LocalDB error message __out_ecount_z(*lpcchMessage) LPWSTR wszMessage, // I/O on input has the size of the wszMessage buffer in characters. On output, if the given buffer size is // too small, has the buffer size required, in characters, including trailing null. If the function succeeds // contains the number of characters in the message, excluding the trailing null __inout LPDWORD lpcchMessage ); // type definition for function pointer to LocalDBFormatMessage function typedef FnLocalDBFormatMessage* PFnLocalDBFormatMessage; // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED // // MessageText: // // LocalDB is not installed. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED ((HRESULT)0x89C50116L) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: LocalDBCreateInstance // // Description: This function will create the new LocalDB instance. // // Available Flags: // No flags available. Reserved for future use. // // Return Values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_INSTANCE_NAME, if the instance name parameter is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_VERSION, if the version parameter is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FLAGS, if the flags are invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, if the user tries to create a default instance // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_FOLDER_PATH_TOO_LONG, if the path where instance should be stored is longer than MAX_PATH // LOCALDB_ERROR_VERSION_REQUESTED_NOT_INSTALLED, if the specified patch level is not installed // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_FOLDER_ALREADY_EXISTS, if the instance folder already exists and is not empty // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_EXISTS_WITH_LOWER_VERSION, if the specified instance already exists but with lower version // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCE_FOLDER, if a folder cannot be created under %userprofile% // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_USER_PROFILE_FOLDER, if a user profile folder cannot be retrieved // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER, if a instance folder cannot be accessed // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_REGISTRY, if a instance registry cannot be accessed // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_INSTANCE_REGISTRY, if an instance registry cannot be modified // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SQL_PROCESS, if a process for Sql Server cannot be created // LOCALDB_ERROR_SQL_SERVER_STARTUP_FAILED, if a Sql Server process is started but Sql Server startup failed. // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_CORRUPT, if a instance configuration is corrupted // FnLocalDBCreateInstance LocalDBCreateInstance; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: LocalDBStartInstance // // Description: This function will start the given LocalDB instance. // // Return Values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE, if the specified instance doesn't exist // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_INSTANCE_NAME, if the instance name parameter is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_CONNECTION, if the wszSqlConnection parameter is NULL // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FLAGS, if the flags are invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, if the buffer wszSqlConnection is too small // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_FOLDER_PATH_TOO_LONG, if the path where instance should be stored is longer than MAX_PATH // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_USER_PROFILE_FOLDER, if a user profile folder cannot be retrieved // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER, if a instance folder cannot be accessed // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_REGISTRY, if a instance registry cannot be accessed // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_INSTANCE_REGISTRY, if an instance registry cannot be modified // LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SQL_PROCESS, if a process for Sql Server cannot be created // LOCALDB_ERROR_SQL_SERVER_STARTUP_FAILED, if a Sql Server process is started but Sql Server startup failed. // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_CORRUPT, if a instance configuration is corrupted // FnLocalDBStartInstance LocalDBStartInstance; // type definition for LocalDBStopInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBStopInstance ( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I Available flags: // LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_KILL_PROCESS - force the instance to stop immediately // LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_WITH_NOWAIT - shutdown the instance with NOWAIT option __in DWORD dwFlags, // I the time in seconds to wait this operation to complete. If this value is 0, this function will return immediately // without waiting for LocalDB instance to stop __in ULONG ulTimeout ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBStopInstance function typedef FnLocalDBStopInstance* PFnLocalDBStopInstance; // Flags for the StopLocalDBInstance function #define LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_KILL_PROCESS 0x0001L #define LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_WITH_NOWAIT 0x0002L //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: LocalDBStopInstance // // Description: This function will shutdown the given LocalDB instance. // If the flag LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_KILL_PROCESS is set, the LocalDB instance will be killed immediately. // IF the flag LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_WITH_NOWAIT is set, the LocalDB instance will shutdown with NOWAIT option. // // Return Values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE, if the specified instance doesn't exist // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_INSTANCE_NAME, if the instance name parameter is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FLAGS, if the flags are invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT - if this function has not finished in given time // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // FnLocalDBStopInstance LocalDBStopInstance; // type definition for LocalDBDeleteInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBDeleteInstance ( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBDeleteInstance function typedef FnLocalDBDeleteInstance* PFnLocalDBDeleteInstance; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: LocalDBDeleteInstance // // Description: This function will remove the given LocalDB instance. If the given instance is running this function will // fail with the error code LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_BUSY. // // Return Values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_INSTANCE_NAME, if the instance name parameter is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FLAGS, if the flags are invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE, if the specified instance doesn't exist // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_BUSY, if the given instance is running // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // FnLocalDBDeleteInstance LocalDBDeleteInstance; // Function: LocalDBFormatMessage // // Description: This function will return the localized textual description for the given LocalDB error // // Available Flags: // LOCALDB_TRUNCATE_ERR_MESSAGE - the error message should be truncated to fit into the provided buffer // // Return Value: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HRESULT, if the given HRESULT is unknown // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE_ID, if the given language id is unknown (0 is recommended for the // default language) // LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE, if the LocalDB error code is unknown // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FLAGS, if the flags are invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, if the input buffer is too short and LOCALDB_TRUNCATE_ERR_MESSAGE flag // is not set // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // FnLocalDBFormatMessage LocalDBFormatMessage; #define MAX_LOCALDB_INSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH 128 #define MAX_LOCALDB_PARENT_INSTANCE_LENGTH MAX_INSTANCE_NAME typedef WCHAR TLocalDBInstanceName[MAX_LOCALDB_INSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; typedef TLocalDBInstanceName* PTLocalDBInstanceName; // type definition for LocalDBGetInstances function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBGetInstances( // O buffer for a LocalDB instance names __out PTLocalDBInstanceName pInstanceNames, // I/O on input has the number slots for instance names in the pInstanceNames buffer. On output, // has the number of existing LocalDB instances __inout LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfInstances ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBGetInstances function typedef FnLocalDBGetInstances* PFnLocalDBGetInstances; // Function: LocalDBGetInstances // // Description: This function returns names for all existing Local DB instances // // Usage Example: // DWORD dwN = 0; // LocalDBGetInstances(NULL, &dwN); // PTLocalDBInstanceName insts = (PTLocalDBInstanceName) malloc(dwN * sizeof(TLocalDBInstanceName)); // LocalDBGetInstances(insts, &dwN); // for (int i = 0; i < dwN; i++) // wprintf(L"%s\n", insts[i]); // // Return values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, the given buffer is to small // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // FnLocalDBGetInstances LocalDBGetInstances; // SID string format: S - Revision(1B) - Authority ID (6B) {- Sub authority ID (4B)} * max 15 sub-authorities = 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 15 + (1 + 10) * 15 #define MAX_STRING_SID_LENGTH 186 #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(8) // DEVNOTE: If you want to modify this structure please read DEVNOTEs on top of function LocalDBGetInstanceInfo in sqluserinstance.cpp file. // typedef struct _LocalDBInstanceInfo { DWORD cbLocalDBInstanceInfoSize; TLocalDBInstanceName wszInstanceName; BOOL bExists; BOOL bConfigurationCorrupted; BOOL bIsRunning; DWORD dwMajor; DWORD dwMinor; DWORD dwBuild; DWORD dwRevision; FILETIME ftLastStartDateUTC; WCHAR wszConnection[LOCALDB_MAX_SQLCONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE]; BOOL bIsShared; TLocalDBInstanceName wszSharedInstanceName; WCHAR wszOwnerSID[MAX_STRING_SID_LENGTH + 1]; BOOL bIsAutomatic; } LocalDBInstanceInfo; #pragma pack(pop) typedef LocalDBInstanceInfo* PLocalDBInstanceInfo; // type definition for LocalDBGetInstanceInfo function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBGetInstanceInfo( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR wszInstanceName, // O instance information __out PLocalDBInstanceInfo pInfo, // I Size of LocalDBInstanceInfo structure in bytes __in DWORD cbInfo); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBGetInstances function typedef FnLocalDBGetInstanceInfo* PFnLocalDBGetInstanceInfo; // Function: LocalDBGetInstanceInfo // // Description: This function returns information about the given instance. // // Return values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, if some of the parameters is invalid // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurred. See event log for details // FnLocalDBGetInstanceInfo LocalDBGetInstanceInfo; // Version has format: Major.Minor[.Build[.Revision]]. Each of components is 32bit integer which is at most 40 digits and 3 dots // #define MAX_LOCALDB_VERSION_LENGTH 43 typedef WCHAR TLocalDBVersion[MAX_LOCALDB_VERSION_LENGTH + 1]; typedef TLocalDBVersion* PTLocalDBVersion; // type definition for LocalDBGetVersions function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBGetVersions( // O buffer for installed LocalDB versions __out PTLocalDBVersion pVersions, // I/O on input has the number slots for versions in the pVersions buffer. On output, // has the number of existing LocalDB versions __inout LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfVersions ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBGetVersions function typedef FnLocalDBGetVersions* PFnLocalDBGetVersions; // Function: LocalDBGetVersions // // Description: This function returns all installed LocalDB versions. Returned versions will be in format Major.Minor // // Usage Example: // DWORD dwN = 0; // LocalDBGetVersions(NULL, &dwN); // PTLocalDBVersion versions = (PTLocalDBVersion) malloc(dwN * sizeof(TLocalDBVersion)); // LocalDBGetVersions(insts, &dwN); // for (int i = 0; i < dwN; i++) // wprintf(L"%s\n", insts[i]); // // Return values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // // LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, the given buffer is to small // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if an unexpected error occurs. // FnLocalDBGetVersions LocalDBGetVersions; #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(8) // DEVNOTE: If you want to modify this structure please read DEVNOTEs on top of function LocalDBGetVersionInfo in sqluserinstance.cpp file. // typedef struct _LocalDBVersionInfo { DWORD cbLocalDBVersionInfoSize; TLocalDBVersion wszVersion; BOOL bExists; DWORD dwMajor; DWORD dwMinor; DWORD dwBuild; DWORD dwRevision; } LocalDBVersionInfo; #pragma pack(pop) typedef LocalDBVersionInfo* PLocalDBVersionInfo; // type definition for LocalDBGetVersionInfo function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBGetVersionInfo( // I LocalDB version string __in_z PCWSTR wszVersion, // O version information __out PLocalDBVersionInfo pVersionInfo, // I Size of LocalDBVersionInfo structure in bytes __in DWORD cbVersionInfo ); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBGetVersionInfo function typedef FnLocalDBGetVersionInfo* PFnLocalDBGetVersionInfo; // Function: LocalDBGetVersionInfo // // Description: This function returns information about the given LocalDB version // // Return values: // S_OK, if the function succeeds // LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, if some internal error occurred // LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, if a input parameter is invalid // FnLocalDBGetVersionInfo LocalDBGetVersionInfo; typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBStartTracing(); typedef FnLocalDBStartTracing* PFnLocalDBStartTracing; // Function: LocalDBStartTracing // // Description: This function will write in registry that Tracing sessions should be started for the current user. // // Return values: // S_OK - on success // Propper HRESULT in case of failure // FnLocalDBStartTracing LocalDBStartTracing; typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBStopTracing(); typedef FnLocalDBStopTracing* PFnFnLocalDBStopTracing; // Function: LocalDBStopTracing // // Description: This function will write in registry that Tracing sessions should be stopped for the current user. // // Return values: // S_OK - on success // Propper HRESULT in case of failure // FnLocalDBStopTracing LocalDBStopTracing; // type definition for LocalDBShareInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBShareInstance( // I the SID of the LocalDB instance owner __in_opt PSID pOwnerSID, // I the private name of LocalDB instance which should be shared __in_z PCWSTR wszPrivateLocalDBInstanceName, // I the public shared name __in_z PCWSTR wszSharedName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBShareInstance function typedef FnLocalDBShareInstance* PFnLocalDBShareInstance; // Function: LocalDBShareInstance // // Description: This function will share the given private instance of the given user with the given shared name. // This function has to be executed elevated. // // Return values: // HRESULT // FnLocalDBShareInstance LocalDBShareInstance; // type definition for LocalDBUnshareInstance function typedef HRESULT __cdecl FnLocalDBUnshareInstance( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags); // type definition for pointer to LocalDBUnshareInstance function typedef FnLocalDBUnshareInstance* PFnLocalDBUnshareInstance; // Function: LocalDBUnshareInstance // // Description: This function unshares the given LocalDB instance. // If a shared name is given then that shared instance will be unshared. // If a private name is given then we will check if the caller // shares a private instance with the given private name and unshare it. // // Return values: // HRESULT // FnLocalDBUnshareInstance LocalDBUnshareInstance; #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #if defined(LOCALDB_DEFINE_PROXY_FUNCTIONS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following section is enabled only if the constant LOCALDB_DEFINE_PROXY_FUNCTIONS // is defined. It provides an implementation of proxies for each of the LocalDB APIs. // The proxy implementations use a common function to bind to entry points in the // latest installed SqlUserInstance DLL, and then forward the requests. // // The current implementation loads the SqlUserInstance DLL on the first call into // a proxy function. There is no provision for unloading the DLL. Note that if the // process includes multiple binaries (EXE and one or more DLLs), each of them could // load a separate instance of the SqlUserInstance DLL. // // For future consideration: allow the SqlUserInstance DLL to be unloaded dynamically. // // WARNING: these functions must not be called in DLL initialization, since a deadlock // could result loading dependent DLLs. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This macro provides the body for each proxy function. // #define LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBFn) static Fn##LocalDBFn* pfn##LocalDBFn = NULL; if (!pfn##LocalDBFn) {HRESULT hr = LocalDBGetPFn(#LocalDBFn, (FARPROC *)&pfn##LocalDBFn); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;} return (*pfn##LocalDBFn) // Structure and function to parse the "Installed Versions" registry subkeys // typedef struct { DWORD dwComponent[2]; WCHAR wszKeyName[256]; } Version; // The following algorithm is intended to match, in part, the .NET Version class. // A maximum of two components are allowed, which must be separated with a period. // Valid: "11", "11.0" // Invalid: "", ".0", "11.", "11.0." // static BOOL ParseVersion(Version * pVersion) { pVersion->dwComponent[0] = 0; pVersion->dwComponent[1] = 0; WCHAR * pwch = pVersion->wszKeyName; for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) { LONGLONG llVal = 0; BOOL fHaveDigit = FALSE; while (*pwch >= L'0' && *pwch <= L'9') { llVal = llVal * 10 + (*pwch++ - L'0'); fHaveDigit = TRUE; if (llVal > 0x7fffffff) { return FALSE; } } if (!fHaveDigit) return FALSE; pVersion->dwComponent[i] = (DWORD) llVal; if (*pwch == L'\0') return TRUE; if (*pwch != L'.') return FALSE; pwch++; } // If we get here, the version string was terminated with L'.', which is not valid // return FALSE; } #include // This function loads the correct LocalDB API DLL (if required) and returns a pointer to a procedure. // Note that the first-loaded API DLL for the process will be used until process termination: installation of // a new version of the API will not be recognized after first load. // static HRESULT LocalDBGetPFn(LPCSTR szLocalDBFn, FARPROC *pfnLocalDBFn) { static volatile HMODULE hLocalDBDll = NULL; if (!hLocalDBDll) { LONG ec; HKEY hkeyVersions = NULL; HKEY hkeyVersion = NULL; Version verHigh = {0}; Version verCurrent; DWORD cchKeyName; DWORD dwValueType; WCHAR wszLocalDBDll[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cbLocalDBDll = sizeof(wszLocalDBDll) - sizeof(WCHAR); // to deal with RegQueryValueEx null-termination quirk HMODULE hLocalDBDllTemp = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ec = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\\Installed Versions", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyVersions))) { goto Cleanup; } for (int i = 0; ; i++) { cchKeyName = 256; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ec = RegEnumKeyExW(hkeyVersions, i, verCurrent.wszKeyName, &cchKeyName, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == ec) { break; } goto Cleanup; } if (!ParseVersion(&verCurrent)) { continue; // invalid version syntax } if (verCurrent.dwComponent[0] > verHigh.dwComponent[0] || (verCurrent.dwComponent[0] == verHigh.dwComponent[0] && verCurrent.dwComponent[1] > verHigh.dwComponent[1])) { verHigh = verCurrent; } } if (!verHigh.wszKeyName[0]) { // ec must be ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS here // assert(ec == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); // We will change the error code to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND in order to indicate that // LocalDB instalation is not found. Registry key "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\\Installed Versions" exists // but it is empty. // ec = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto Cleanup; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ec = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyVersions, verHigh.wszKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyVersion))) { goto Cleanup; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ec = RegQueryValueExW(hkeyVersion, L"InstanceAPIPath", NULL, &dwValueType, (PBYTE) wszLocalDBDll, &cbLocalDBDll))) { goto Cleanup; } if (dwValueType != REG_SZ) { ec = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; } // Ensure string value null-terminated // Note that we left a spare character in the output buffer for RegQueryValueEx for this purpose // wszLocalDBDll[cbLocalDBDll/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; hLocalDBDllTemp = LoadLibraryW(wszLocalDBDll); if (NULL == hLocalDBDllTemp) { ec = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } if (NULL == InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((volatile PVOID *)&hLocalDBDll, hLocalDBDllTemp, NULL)) { // We were the winner: we gave away our DLL handle // hLocalDBDllTemp = NULL; } ec = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: if (hLocalDBDllTemp) FreeLibrary(hLocalDBDllTemp); if (hkeyVersion) RegCloseKey(hkeyVersion); if (hkeyVersions) RegCloseKey(hkeyVersions); // Error code ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND can occure if registry hive with installed LocalDB versions is missing. // In that case we should return the LocalDB specific error code // if (ec == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return LOCALDB_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; if (ec != ERROR_SUCCESS) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ec); } FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hLocalDBDll, szLocalDBFn); if (!pfn) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } *pfnLocalDBFn = pfn; return S_OK; } // The following proxy functions forward calls to the latest LocalDB API DLL. // HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBCreateInstance ( // I the LocalDB version (e.g. 11.0 or 11.0.1094.2) __in_z PCWSTR wszVersion, // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBCreateInstance)(wszVersion, pInstanceName, dwFlags); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBStartInstance( // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags, // O the buffer to store the connection string to the LocalDB instance __out_ecount_z_opt(*lpcchSqlConnection) LPWSTR wszSqlConnection, // I/O on input has the size of the wszSqlConnection buffer in characters. On output, if the given buffer size is // too small, has the buffer size required, in characters, including trailing null. __inout_opt LPDWORD lpcchSqlConnection ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBStartInstance)(pInstanceName, dwFlags, wszSqlConnection, lpcchSqlConnection); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBStopInstance ( // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I Available flags: // LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_KILL_PROCESS - force the instance to stop immediately // LOCALDB_SHUTDOWN_WITH_NOWAIT - shutdown the instance with NOWAIT option __in DWORD dwFlags, // I the time in seconds to wait this operation to complete. If this value is 0, this function will return immediately // without waiting for LocalDB instance to stop __in ULONG ulTimeout ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBStopInstance)(pInstanceName, dwFlags, ulTimeout); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBDeleteInstance ( // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBDeleteInstance)(pInstanceName, dwFlags); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBFormatMessage( // I the LocalDB error code __in HRESULT hrLocalDB, // I Available flags: // LOCALDB_TRUNCATE_ERR_MESSAGE - if the input buffer is too short, // the error message will be truncated to fit into the buffer __in DWORD dwFlags, // I Language desired (LCID) or 0 (in which case Win32 FormatMessage order is used) __in DWORD dwLanguageId, // O the buffer to store the LocalDB error message __out_ecount_z(*lpcchMessage) LPWSTR wszMessage, // I/O on input has the size of the wszMessage buffer in characters. On output, if the given buffer size is // too small, has the buffer size required, in characters, including trailing null. If the function succeeds // contains the number of characters in the message, excluding the trailing null __inout LPDWORD lpcchMessage ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBFormatMessage)(hrLocalDB, dwFlags, dwLanguageId, wszMessage, lpcchMessage); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBGetInstances( // O buffer with instance names __out PTLocalDBInstanceName pInstanceNames, // I/O on input has the number slots for instance names in the pInstanceNames buffer. On output, // has the number of existing LocalDB instances __inout LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfInstances ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBGetInstances)(pInstanceNames, lpdwNumberOfInstances); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBGetInstanceInfo( // I the instance name __in_z PCWSTR wszInstanceName, // O instance information __out PLocalDBInstanceInfo pInfo, // I Size of LocalDBInstanceInfo structure in bytes __in DWORD cbInfo ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBGetInstanceInfo)(wszInstanceName, pInfo, cbInfo); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBStartTracing() { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBStartTracing)(); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBStopTracing() { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBStopTracing)(); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBShareInstance( // I the SID of the LocalDB instance owner __in_opt PSID pOwnerSID, // I the private name of LocalDB instance which should be shared __in_z PCWSTR wszLocalDBInstancePrivateName, // I the public shared name __in_z PCWSTR wszSharedName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBShareInstance)(pOwnerSID, wszLocalDBInstancePrivateName, wszSharedName, dwFlags); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBGetVersions( // O buffer for installed LocalDB versions __out PTLocalDBVersion pVersions, // I/O on input has the number slots for versions in the pVersions buffer. On output, // has the number of existing LocalDB versions __inout LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfVersions ) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBGetVersions)(pVersions, lpdwNumberOfVersions); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBUnshareInstance( // I the LocalDB instance name __in_z PCWSTR pInstanceName, // I reserved for the future use. Currently should be set to 0. __in DWORD dwFlags) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBUnshareInstance)(pInstanceName, dwFlags); } HRESULT __cdecl LocalDBGetVersionInfo( // I LocalDB version string __in_z PCWSTR wszVersion, // O version information __out PLocalDBVersionInfo pVersionInfo, // I Size of LocalDBVersionInfo structure in bytes __in DWORD cbVersionInfo) { LOCALDB_PROXY(LocalDBGetVersionInfo)(wszVersion, pVersionInfo, cbVersionInfo); } #endif #endif // _SQLUSERINSTANCE_H_ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: sqluserinstancemsgs.mc // // Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _LOCALDB_MESSAGES_H_ #define _LOCALDB_MESSAGES_H_ // Header section // // Section with the LocalDB messages // // // Values are 32 bit values laid out as follows: // // 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 // 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // +-+-+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+ // |S|R|C|N|r| Facility | Code | // +-+-+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+ // // where // // S - Severity - indicates success/fail // // 0 - Success // 1 - Fail (COERROR) // // R - reserved portion of the facility code, corresponds to NT's // second severity bit. // // C - reserved portion of the facility code, corresponds to NT's // C field. // // N - reserved portion of the facility code. Used to indicate a // mapped NT status value. // // r - reserved portion of the facility code. Reserved for internal // use. Used to indicate HRESULT values that are not status // values, but are instead message ids for display strings. // // Facility - is the facility code // // Code - is the facility's status code // // // Define the facility codes // #define FACILITY_LOCALDB 0x9C5 // // Define the severity codes // #define LOCALDB_SEVERITY_SUCCESS 0x0 #define LOCALDB_SEVERITY_ERROR 0x2 // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCE_FOLDER // // MessageText: // // Cannot create folder for the LocalDB instance at: %%LOCALAPPDATA%%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCE_FOLDER ((HRESULT)0x89C50100L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // MessageText: // // The parameter for the LocalDB Instance API method is incorrect. Consult the API documentation. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ((HRESULT)0x89C50101L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_EXISTS_WITH_LOWER_VERSION // // MessageText: // // Unable to create the LocalDB instance with specified version. An instance with the same name already exists, but it has lower version than the specified version. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_EXISTS_WITH_LOWER_VERSION ((HRESULT)0x89C50102L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_USER_PROFILE_FOLDER // // MessageText: // // Cannot access the user profile folder for local application data (%%LOCALAPPDATA%%). // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_USER_PROFILE_FOLDER ((HRESULT)0x89C50103L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_FOLDER_PATH_TOO_LONG // // MessageText: // // The full path length of the LocalDB instance folder is longer than MAX_PATH. The instance must be stored in folder: %%LOCALAPPDATA%%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_FOLDER_PATH_TOO_LONG ((HRESULT)0x89C50104L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER // // MessageText: // // Cannot access LocalDB instance folder: %%LOCALAPPDATA%%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER ((HRESULT)0x89C50105L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_REGISTRY // // MessageText: // // Unexpected error occurred while trying to access the LocalDB instance registry configuration. See the Windows Application event log for error details. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_REGISTRY ((HRESULT)0x89C50106L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE // // MessageText: // // The specified LocalDB instance does not exist. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSTANCE ((HRESULT)0x89C50107L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR // // MessageText: // // Unexpected error occurred inside a LocalDB instance API method call. See the Windows Application event log for error details. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR ((HRESULT)0x89C50108L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_INSTANCE_REGISTRY // // MessageText: // // Unexpected error occurred while trying to modify the registry configuration for the LocalDB instance. See the Windows Application event log for error details. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_INSTANCE_REGISTRY ((HRESULT)0x89C50109L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_SQL_SERVER_STARTUP_FAILED // // MessageText: // // Error occurred during LocalDB instance startup: SQL Server process failed to start. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_SQL_SERVER_STARTUP_FAILED ((HRESULT)0x89C5010AL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_CORRUPT // // MessageText: // // LocalDB instance is corrupted. See the Windows Application event log for error details. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_CORRUPT ((HRESULT)0x89C5010BL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SQL_PROCESS // // MessageText: // // Error occurred during LocalDB instance startup: unable to create the SQL Server process. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_SQL_PROCESS ((HRESULT)0x89C5010CL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VERSION // // MessageText: // // The specified LocalDB version is not available on this computer. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VERSION ((HRESULT)0x89C5010DL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE_ID // // MessageText: // // Error getting the localized error message. The language specified by 'Language ID' parameter is unknown. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE_ID ((HRESULT)0x89C5010EL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_STOP_FAILED // // MessageText: // // Stop operation for LocalDB instance failed to complete within the specified time. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_STOP_FAILED ((HRESULT)0x89C5010FL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE // // MessageText: // // Error getting the localized error message. The specified error code is unknown. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE ((HRESULT)0x89C50110L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_VERSION_REQUESTED_NOT_INSTALLED // // MessageText: // // The LocalDB version available on this workstation is lower than the requested LocalDB version. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_VERSION_REQUESTED_NOT_INSTALLED ((HRESULT)0x89C50111L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_BUSY // // MessageText: // // Requested operation on LocalDB instance cannot be performed because specified instance is currently in use. Stop the instance and try again. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_BUSY ((HRESULT)0x89C50112L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION // // MessageText: // // Default LocalDB instances cannot be created, stopped or deleted manually. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION ((HRESULT)0x89C50113L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER // // MessageText: // // The buffer passed to the LocalDB instance API method has insufficient size. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ((HRESULT)0x89C50114L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT // // MessageText: // // Timeout occurred inside the LocalDB instance API method. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT ((HRESULT)0x89C50115L) // MessageId=0x0116 message id is reserved. This message ID will be used for error LOCALDB_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED. // This message is specific since it has to be present in SqlUserIntsnace.h because it can be returned by discovery API. // // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_XEVENT_FAILED // // MessageText: // // Failed to start XEvent engine within the LocalDB Instance API. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_XEVENT_FAILED ((HRESULT)0x89C50117L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_AUTO_INSTANCE_CREATE_FAILED // // MessageText: // // Cannot create an automatic instance. See the Windows Application event log for error details. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_AUTO_INSTANCE_CREATE_FAILED ((HRESULT)0x89C50118L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_SHARED_NAME_TAKEN // // MessageText: // // Cannot create a shared instance. The specified shared instance name is already in use. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_SHARED_NAME_TAKEN ((HRESULT)0x89C50119L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CALLER_IS_NOT_OWNER // // MessageText: // // API caller is not LocalDB instance owner. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CALLER_IS_NOT_OWNER ((HRESULT)0x89C5011AL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_INSTANCE_NAME // // MessageText: // // Specified LocalDB instance name is invalid. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INVALID_INSTANCE_NAME ((HRESULT)0x89C5011BL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_ALREADY_SHARED // // MessageText: // // The specified LocalDB instance is already shared with different shared name. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_ALREADY_SHARED ((HRESULT)0x89C5011CL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_NOT_SHARED // // MessageText: // // The specified LocalDB instance is not shared. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_INSTANCE_NOT_SHARED ((HRESULT)0x89C5011DL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_ADMIN_RIGHTS_REQUIRED // // MessageText: // // Administrator privileges are required in order to execute this operation. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_ADMIN_RIGHTS_REQUIRED ((HRESULT)0x89C5011EL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SHARED_INSTANCES // // MessageText: // // Unable to share a LocalDB instance - maximum number of shared LocalDB instances reached. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SHARED_INSTANCES ((HRESULT)0x89C5011FL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_LOCAL_APP_DATA_PATH // // MessageText: // // Cannot get a local application data path. Most probably a user profile is not loaded. If LocalDB is executed under IIS, make sure that profile loading is enabled for the current user. // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_LOCAL_APP_DATA_PATH ((HRESULT)0x89C50120L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_RESOURCES // // MessageText: // // Cannot load resources for this DLL. Resources for this DLL should be stored in a subfolder Resources, with the same file name as this DLL and the extension ".RLL". // #define LOCALDB_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_RESOURCES ((HRESULT)0x89C50121L) // Detailed error descriptions // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATADIRECTORY_IS_MISSING // // MessageText: // // The "DataDirectory" registry value is missing in the LocalDB instance registry key: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATADIRECTORY_IS_MISSING ((HRESULT)0x89C50200L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER // // MessageText: // // Cannot access LocalDB instance folder: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_CANNOT_ACCESS_INSTANCE_FOLDER ((HRESULT)0x89C50201L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATADIRECTORY_IS_TOO_LONG // // MessageText: // // The "DataDirectory" registry value is too long in the LocalDB instance registry key: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATADIRECTORY_IS_TOO_LONG ((HRESULT)0x89C50202L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_IS_MISSING // // MessageText: // // The "Parent Instance" registry value is missing in the LocalDB instance registry key: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_IS_MISSING ((HRESULT)0x89C50203L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_IS_TOO_LONG // // MessageText: // // The "Parent Instance" registry value is too long in the LocalDB instance registry key: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_IS_TOO_LONG ((HRESULT)0x89C50204L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATA_DIRECTORY_INVALID // // MessageText: // // Data directory for LocalDB instance is invalid: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_DATA_DIRECTORY_INVALID ((HRESULT)0x89C50205L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_ASSERT // // MessageText: // // LocalDB instance API: XEvent engine assert: %1 in %2:%3 (%4) // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_ASSERT ((HRESULT)0x89C50206L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_ERROR // // MessageText: // // LocalDB instance API: XEvent error: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_ERROR ((HRESULT)0x89C50207L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_INSTALLATION_CORRUPTED // // MessageText: // // LocalDB installation is corrupted. Reinstall the LocalDB. // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_INSTALLATION_CORRUPTED ((HRESULT)0x89C50208L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_CANNOT_GET_PROGRAM_FILES_LOCATION // // MessageText: // // LocalDB XEvent error: cannot determine %ProgramFiles% folder location. // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_CANNOT_GET_PROGRAM_FILES_LOCATION ((HRESULT)0x89C50209L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_INITIALIZE // // MessageText: // // LocalDB XEvent error: Cannot initialize XEvent engine. // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_INITIALIZE ((HRESULT)0x89C5020AL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_FIND_CONF_FILE // // MessageText: // // LocalDB XEvent error: Cannot find XEvents configuration file: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_FIND_CONF_FILE ((HRESULT)0x89C5020BL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_CONFIGURE // // MessageText: // // LocalDB XEvent error: Cannot configure XEvents engine with the configuration file: %1 // HRESULT returned: %2 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CANNOT_CONFIGURE ((HRESULT)0x89C5020CL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CONF_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG // // MessageText: // // LocalDB XEvent error: XEvents engine configuration file too long // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_XEVENT_CONF_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG ((HRESULT)0x89C5020DL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_COINITIALIZEEX_FAILED // // MessageText: // // CoInitializeEx API failed. HRESULT returned: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_COINITIALIZEEX_FAILED ((HRESULT)0x89C5020EL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_VERSION_INVALID // // MessageText: // // LocalDB parent instance version is invalid: %1 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_PARENT_INSTANCE_VERSION_INVALID ((HRESULT)0x89C5020FL) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_WINAPI_ERROR // // MessageText: // // Windows API call %1 returned error code: %2. Windows system error message is: %3Reported at line: %4. %5 // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_WINAPI_ERROR ((HRESULT)0xC9C50210L) // // MessageId: LOCALDB_EDETAIL_UNEXPECTED_RESULT // // MessageText: // // Function %1 returned %2 at line %3. // #define LOCALDB_EDETAIL_UNEXPECTED_RESULT ((HRESULT)0x89C50211L) // #endif extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0011_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_sqlncli_0000_0011_v0_0_s_ifspec; /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif