{"version":3,"file":"interfaces.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/interfaces.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\n/**\n * A narrower version of TypeScript 4.5's Awaited type which Recursively\n * unwraps the \"awaited type\", emulating the behavior of `await`.\n */\nexport type Resolved = T extends { then(onfulfilled: infer F): any } // `await` only unwraps object types with a callable `then`. Non-object types are not unwrapped\n ? F extends (value: infer V) => any // if the argument to `then` is callable, extracts the first argument\n ? Resolved // recursively unwrap the value\n : never // the argument to `then` was not callable\n : T; // non-object or non-thenable\n\n/**\n * Represents a client that can integrate with the currently configured {@link Instrumenter}.\n *\n * Create an instance using {@link createTracingClient}.\n */\nexport interface TracingClient {\n /**\n * Wraps a callback in a tracing span, calls the callback, and closes the span.\n *\n * This is the primary interface for using Tracing and will handle error recording as well as setting the status on the span.\n *\n * Both synchronous and asynchronous functions will be awaited in order to reflect the result of the callback on the span.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```ts\n * const myOperationResult = await tracingClient.withSpan(\"myClassName.myOperationName\", options, (updatedOptions) => myOperation(updatedOptions));\n * ```\n * @param name - The name of the span. By convention this should be `${className}.${methodName}`.\n * @param operationOptions - The original options passed to the method. The callback will receive these options with the newly created {@link TracingContext}.\n * @param callback - The callback to be invoked with the updated options and newly created {@link TracingSpan}.\n */\n withSpan<\n Options extends { tracingOptions?: OperationTracingOptions },\n Callback extends (\n updatedOptions: Options,\n span: Omit,\n ) => ReturnType,\n >(\n name: string,\n operationOptions: Options,\n callback: Callback,\n spanOptions?: TracingSpanOptions,\n ): Promise>>;\n /**\n * Starts a given span but does not set it as the active span.\n *\n * You must end the span using {@link TracingSpan.end}.\n *\n * Most of the time you will want to use {@link withSpan} instead.\n *\n * @param name - The name of the span. By convention this should be `${className}.${methodName}`.\n * @param operationOptions - The original operation options.\n * @param spanOptions - The options to use when creating the span.\n *\n * @returns A {@link TracingSpan} and the updated operation options.\n */\n startSpan(\n name: string,\n operationOptions?: Options,\n spanOptions?: TracingSpanOptions,\n ): {\n span: TracingSpan;\n updatedOptions: OptionsWithTracingContext;\n };\n /**\n * Wraps a callback with an active context and calls the callback.\n * Depending on the implementation, this may set the globally available active context.\n *\n * Useful when you want to leave the boundaries of the SDK (make a request or callback to user code) and are unable to use the {@link withSpan} API.\n *\n * @param context - The {@link TracingContext} to use as the active context in the scope of the callback.\n * @param callback - The callback to be invoked with the given context set as the globally active context.\n * @param callbackArgs - The callback arguments.\n */\n withContext<\n CallbackArgs extends unknown[],\n Callback extends (...args: CallbackArgs) => ReturnType,\n >(\n context: TracingContext,\n callback: Callback,\n ...callbackArgs: CallbackArgs\n ): ReturnType;\n\n /**\n * Parses a traceparent header value into a {@link TracingSpanContext}.\n *\n * @param traceparentHeader - The traceparent header to parse.\n * @returns An implementation-specific identifier for the span.\n */\n parseTraceparentHeader(traceparentHeader: string): TracingContext | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Creates a set of request headers to propagate tracing information to a backend.\n *\n * @param tracingContext - The context containing the span to propagate.\n * @returns The set of headers to add to a request.\n */\n createRequestHeaders(tracingContext?: TracingContext): Record;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options that can be passed to {@link createTracingClient}\n */\nexport interface TracingClientOptions {\n /** The value of the az.namespace tracing attribute on newly created spans. */\n namespace: string;\n /** The name of the package invoking this trace. */\n packageName: string;\n /** An optional version of the package invoking this trace. */\n packageVersion?: string;\n}\n\n/** The kind of span. */\nexport type TracingSpanKind = \"client\" | \"server\" | \"producer\" | \"consumer\" | \"internal\";\n\n/** Options used to configure the newly created span. */\nexport interface TracingSpanOptions {\n /** The kind of span. Implementations should default this to \"client\". */\n spanKind?: TracingSpanKind;\n /** A collection of {@link TracingSpanLink} to link to this span. */\n spanLinks?: TracingSpanLink[];\n /** Initial set of attributes to set on a span. */\n spanAttributes?: { [key: string]: unknown };\n}\n\n/** A pointer from the current {@link TracingSpan} to another span in the same or a different trace. */\nexport interface TracingSpanLink {\n /** The {@link TracingContext} containing the span context to link to. */\n tracingContext: TracingContext;\n /** A set of attributes on the link. */\n attributes?: { [key: string]: unknown };\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents an implementation agnostic instrumenter.\n */\nexport interface Instrumenter {\n /**\n * Creates a new {@link TracingSpan} with the given name and options and sets it on a new context.\n * @param name - The name of the span. By convention this should be `${className}.${methodName}`.\n * @param spanOptions - The options to use when creating the span.\n *\n * @returns A {@link TracingSpan} that can be used to end the span, and the context this span has been set on.\n */\n startSpan(\n name: string,\n spanOptions: InstrumenterSpanOptions,\n ): { span: TracingSpan; tracingContext: TracingContext };\n /**\n * Wraps a callback with an active context and calls the callback.\n * Depending on the implementation, this may set the globally available active context.\n *\n * @param context - The {@link TracingContext} to use as the active context in the scope of the callback.\n * @param callback - The callback to be invoked with the given context set as the globally active context.\n * @param callbackArgs - The callback arguments.\n */\n withContext<\n CallbackArgs extends unknown[],\n Callback extends (...args: CallbackArgs) => ReturnType,\n >(\n context: TracingContext,\n callback: Callback,\n ...callbackArgs: CallbackArgs\n ): ReturnType;\n\n /**\n * Provides an implementation-specific method to parse a {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#traceparent-header}\n * into a {@link TracingSpanContext} which can be used to link non-parented spans together.\n */\n parseTraceparentHeader(traceparentHeader: string): TracingContext | undefined;\n /**\n * Provides an implementation-specific method to serialize a {@link TracingSpan} to a set of headers.\n * @param tracingContext - The context containing the span to serialize.\n */\n createRequestHeaders(tracingContext?: TracingContext): Record;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options passed to {@link Instrumenter.startSpan} as a superset of {@link TracingSpanOptions}.\n */\nexport interface InstrumenterSpanOptions extends TracingSpanOptions {\n /** The name of the package invoking this trace. */\n packageName: string;\n /** The version of the package invoking this trace. */\n packageVersion?: string;\n /** The current tracing context. Defaults to an implementation-specific \"active\" context. */\n tracingContext?: TracingContext;\n}\n\n/**\n * Status representing a successful operation that can be sent to {@link TracingSpan.setStatus}\n */\nexport type SpanStatusSuccess = { status: \"success\" };\n\n/**\n * Status representing an error that can be sent to {@link TracingSpan.setStatus}\n */\nexport type SpanStatusError = { status: \"error\"; error?: Error | string };\n\n/**\n * Represents the statuses that can be passed to {@link TracingSpan.setStatus}.\n *\n * By default, all spans will be created with status \"unset\".\n */\nexport type SpanStatus = SpanStatusSuccess | SpanStatusError;\n\n/**\n * Represents an implementation agnostic tracing span.\n */\nexport interface TracingSpan {\n /**\n * Sets the status of the span. When an error is provided, it will be recorded on the span as well.\n *\n * @param status - The {@link SpanStatus} to set on the span.\n */\n setStatus(status: SpanStatus): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets a given attribute on a span.\n *\n * @param name - The attribute's name.\n * @param value - The attribute's value to set. May be any non-nullish value.\n */\n setAttribute(name: string, value: unknown): void;\n\n /**\n * Ends the span.\n */\n end(): void;\n\n /**\n * Records an exception on a {@link TracingSpan} without modifying its status.\n *\n * When recording an unhandled exception that should fail the span, please use {@link TracingSpan.setStatus} instead.\n *\n * @param exception - The exception to record on the span.\n *\n */\n recordException(exception: Error | string): void;\n\n /**\n * Returns true if this {@link TracingSpan} is recording information.\n *\n * Depending on the span implementation, this may return false if the span is not being sampled.\n */\n isRecording(): boolean;\n}\n\n/** An immutable context bag of tracing values for the current operation. */\nexport interface TracingContext {\n /**\n * Sets a given object on a context.\n * @param key - The key of the given context value.\n * @param value - The value to set on the context.\n *\n * @returns - A new context with the given value set.\n */\n setValue(key: symbol, value: unknown): TracingContext;\n /**\n * Gets an object from the context if it exists.\n * @param key - The key of the given context value.\n *\n * @returns - The value of the given context value if it exists, otherwise `undefined`.\n */\n getValue(key: symbol): unknown;\n /**\n * Deletes an object from the context if it exists.\n * @param key - The key of the given context value to delete.\n */\n deleteValue(key: symbol): TracingContext;\n}\n\n/**\n * Tracing options to set on an operation.\n */\nexport interface OperationTracingOptions {\n /** The context to use for created Tracing Spans. */\n tracingContext?: TracingContext;\n}\n\n/**\n * A utility type for when we know a TracingContext has been set\n * as part of an operation's options.\n */\nexport type OptionsWithTracingContext<\n Options extends { tracingOptions?: OperationTracingOptions },\n> = Options & {\n tracingOptions: {\n tracingContext: TracingContext;\n };\n};\n"]}